Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 11 "Hell Hath Frozen Over"

Tom's Take:

Good job producers. You found a way to get Abi Maria to win immunity. And we finally saw an end to Penner. He got much farther than we initially thought he would, but he never really had a strong chance at this game. He just didn't make the right moves.

Dang Rayne Tribe

 Penner: (265 points) Penner lost. I knew this was coming although all his fans were clearly in denial. He just wasn't that good at strategy, although his social game was very good. He had a great exit though. Very fun.

 Carter:  (139 points) Carter is three immunity wins from a final three. But he has no chance. At least that's what my edit senses are telling me.

 Jeff Kent: (152 points) Second Juror

 Denise: (205 points)  Denise did a really good job surviving tonight, and she's a great competitor. But she made a mistake laying into Abi last episode, and I'm now seeing that Abi could be a poison for the jury. That might be what ultimately tips the game in Malcolm's favor.

Mike Skupin: (215 points) Skupin was the swing vote again, and he made his choice. He's tied with Malcolm and Denise now. And that probably spells his doom.

 Abi Maria: (242 points) Abi had a  fun episode. She made up an idol which no one believed. She also won individual immunity, and picked several fights. She still has no chance to win, but she should have a very good chance of making it to the final 3.

 Artis:  (113 points) Third Juror.

 RC: (144 points) First Juror.

 Lisa: (229 points) Lisa is a mess. I've done a 360 on her here. She was doing so well for a while, but now she's crying every episode. It's annoying. Just get yourself together. You've got a great place in this game, but  she's driving the audience and possibly the jury crazy with her wishy washedness.

 Peter: (159 points) 4th Juror

 Malcolm: (287 points)  I don't know how anyone can be watching this season and not see Malcolm as the clear cut winner. He's in the Final 6 with a hidden immunity idol. He's a strong competitor, a good strategist, and he's likeable enough to do great in the final tribal. He's got this in the bag.

Final 11 Rankings

1. Malcolm: 287
2. Penner: 265
3. Abi Maria: 242
4. Lisa: 229
5. Skupin: 215
6. Denise: 205
7. Peter: 159
8. Jeff Kent: 152
9. RC: 144
10. Carter: 139
11. Artis: 113

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