Thursday, November 15, 2012

Five Drinks Into Survivor Season 25 Episode 9 "Little Miss Perfect"

Tom's Take:

Another great episode.of Survivor. I love how dynamic this season has been, and we're in for on of the craziest final 8's of all time. Am I wrong in thinking that there are 4 pairs operating this season. How will they align down the road?

Dang Rayne Tribe

 Penner: (224 points) Penner survived again! I have no idea why the Tandang tribe targeted him instead of Malcolm or Denise to flush out the idol, but that's what they did. He's gotten himself into a really solid position in this game, but I'm not sure if all the talking he did in this episode actually amounted to anything.

 Carter:  (98 points) Carter has now gotten himself into the dominant alliance. Good for him!

 Jeff Kent: (152 points) Second Juror

 Denise: (155 points)  Denise planned Artis' demise, and she seems to have a great deal of power in the game, and yet the editors continue to fail to show her very much. I don't think they understand how much we want to root for her and her underdog story.

Mike Skupin: (180 points) Skupin flipped last night. Yet the editors really didn't tell us why. Poor job editing!  He completely dominated that individual immunity challenge by the way. And it was awesome to see him finally win one in twelve years.

 Abi Maria: (150 points) Abi is doing terrible in the game, as she seems to have single handedly turned her alliance against her. She still has an idol and is in the top 8, though. So don't count her out of it yet, although I doubt she can win in the final tribal.

 Artis:  (113 points)  Oh poor Artis. He got screwed by being the one least likely to get Abi's idol used for him.

 RC: (144 points) First Juror.

 Lisa: (189 points) She was kind of a mess this episode. And I'm not sure the editors made the right choice in showing all her conversations with Penner. But it was still interesting to see.

 Peter: (135 points) Peter had a classy moment at Tribal Council when he stated that his reason for voting against Penner was because of how good a player he was. Other than that he didn't do much.

 Malcolm: (231 points) That was a great moment with Malcolm telling Lisa not to worry about going against him. He really does have a lot of grace. I hope he wins.

Final 11 Rankings

1. Malcolm: 231
2. Penner: 224
3. Lisa: 189
4. Skupin: 180
5. Denise: 155
6. Jeff Kent: 152
7. Abi Maria: 150
8. RC: 144
9. Peter: 135
10. Artis: 113
11. Carter: 98

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