Thursday, November 1, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 7 "Not The Only Actor On This Island"

Tom's Take:

It's  time for the merge! And I guess the new tribe name is Dang Rayne, which I think is actually really cool. Also we get some clarity on the jury situation as RC is the first member of the jury, which means that either there's an 8 person jury for final 3, or a 9 person jury for final 2. I personally prefer the later, and I think the evac of Dana will force the issue, but I guess we'll see. Jeff Probst supposedly doesn't like Final 2's, so that could play a part I guess.

Dang Rayne Tribe

 Penner: (160 points) I don't want to engage too much in reckless conspiracy theories, but when Jeff told Penner that he was in trouble at this tribal council, my eyes were definitely raised. Jeff would probably love for Penner to win, but that doesn't mean he should. He's not really playing all that great a game, although I do think he came off well in this episode. Besides correctly playing the idol, he also showed that his head was in the game and that he was aware Katie's rogue vote meant more than Jeff Kent let on. He also quickly recruited RC and Skupin into his alliance, which I thought was good, but Jeff Kent put a stop to that. He needs to work out a new plan, but the preview for next week makes me think he's going to Troyzan it up instead. I guess we'll see what happens.

 Carter:  (85 points)  He won an individual immunity, but otherwise he just seems to be Jeff Kent's lackey. I see this game currently as a group of pairs, with the Jeff Kent/Carter pair being in arguably the worst position. Unlike Malcolm/Denise or Peter/Abi Maria, they don't seem to have a third recruit like Lisa or Artis.

 Jeff Kent: (134 points) Jeff is a strong competitor, and an alpha dog in his pair with Carter, so he has a chance at this thing, but I'd have him as the bottom of the top five contenders, at least in my opinion. I enjoyed his move this week smoking out Penner's idol, and getting rid of a former Tandang member, but I don't actually know if it was the best move for him in the game sense. It was entertaining though, so I'm thankful to him.

 Denise: (129 points)  Denise won immunity for herself this week, not that she needed it. She also officially became the first person in Survivor history to make it to every single Tribal Council, as at least a member of the jury. I think she got shorted by the editing this week, since I don't believe for one second that Jeff Kent was really the one who made the decision to vote against Penner and RC this week. Denise is not just Jeff Kent's lap dog. Shame on you editors, for focusing on Jeff Kent instead of Denise.  The only mark I have against Denise is Malcolm's confessional that he doesn't think he can beat her in the end. Malcolm turning on her at the end would be her biggest danger in this game as things stand now.

Mike Skupin: (139 points) Why did Skupin vote for Penner? I have no idea, and I'm also wondering where Skupin stands now that he's lost RC. As a free agent, I would think that Malcolm would entertain the idea of adding him to his growing alliance with Denise and Lisa. That, or Skupin could rejoin the Tandang Alliance, to try and rid the tribe of the original Kalabaw members. I don't see that as being a good move for him, since there's no real route to the finals there for him, but we'll see.

 Abi Maria: (126 points)  I love that Abi Maria waited until RC dropped out before she herself quit the Immunity Challenge. It was so blatant, but so brutally efficient, too. She's crazy and deluded, but her and Pete have a lot of power in the game right now, so it'll be interesting to see her downfall.

 Artis:  (98 points)  I get Artis' casting, but they should show his sassy and moody confessionals more.

 RC: (144 points) RC made a strong move to join the Tandang Tribe Alliance, but she was screwed over by Jeff Kent's hate of Penner. I admire her for making a move, but it wasn't enough. She's the first juror though, and I'm betting right now that she'll deliver a good bitter speech at the end, or possibly do the opposite and give the "let's vote on gameplay" speech, like Kat did last season. We'll see.

 Lisa: (132 points) Lisa brilliantly/accidentally stumbled on Malcolm's idol, and the result was that she is now in the Malcolm Alliance, which to me looks like the dominant team right now.She could do very well in the Final Three if she makes it that far, as even I find myself liking her in her meetings with Penner and confessionals about much she's enjoying her time in the game. She also got the line of the episode, so she's clearly a star of this season.

 Peter: (120 points)  Peter made his move, and finally took out RC. Now, what is his next step, and does he have a chance in this game?

 Malcolm: (172 points) I think Malcolm is going to win this game. We've hit the merge, where physical threats should be targeted, and no one is even mentioning his name. That shows how good he is in my opinion.

Final 11 Rankings

1. Malcolm: 172
2. Penner: 160
3. RC: 144
4. Skupin: 139
5. Jeff Kent: 134
6. Lisa: 132
7. Denise: 129
8. Abi Maria: 126
9. Peter: 120
10. Artis: 98
11. Carter: 85

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