Friday, November 2, 2012

Five Drinks Into TV: Doctor Who Series Two

Tom's Take:

Doctor Who Series Two is a pretty big departure from Series One. The Tenth Doctor seems a bit more evenly matched with Rose Tyler, although I'm not sure if I think there's necessarily very much sexual heat between the two. Their relationship isn't really like that, as it has the British tendency to be less physical and far more cerebral. At least that's how I see it. These two characters inspire each other, rather than long after each other, but either way we still want them to be together, and are heartbroken when they're split apart.

What did I like about this series? Well it's hard to put my finger on exactly what I like about this show, but overall I've got to look at the writing, and the raw enthusiasm that infects the Doctor, and Rose. Even in the darkest and most morbid times on the show, their enthusiasm allows for humor that keeps the show from ever descending into the dullness that could result from a show that took itself too seriously.

I also love how camp it is. It gives this show this feeling like it's not as cool as it really is, which makes me feel like I've discovered it's genius, hidden behind the poor effects or often ridiculous plots.

I think I dislike that there's not enough sense of danger. Even in episodes where many people die, I don't have any worries for our main characters. I think I want a larger cast to be honest, so there can be more interplay between them.

That said, I think the supporting cast on this show is fantastic, and many episodes are held together by the strength of the minor characters. A particular standout for me, was the team in the two parter of "The Impossible Planet" and "Satan's Pit." The minor characters in those two episodes were left to handle a lot of the drama, and they did a wonderful job. The Doctor and Rose are really only half the story, if that in all these episodes.

Mickey got quite a nice bit of character development in this series as well, and I especially liked his journey in the Cybermen episodes. He was a character that felt completely useless, and in those episodes he managed to become a total badass, and I thought he even managed to move on.

Are we supposed to believe that Rose eventually settles for Mickey in the alternative universe?

Speaking of the alternate universe, that was cool. I love using alternative timelines as a plot device, and it was done well. It also gave us a reason that Rose's parents could reunite, which was nice to see.

Best Episode: "Love and Monsters" I love me some meta episodes, and this episode was everything that this series was good at. A great supporting cast that really held the episode together, with just enough Rose and The Doctor to leave us satisfied.

Honorable Mention: "Satan's Pit" had some really cool moments with The Doctor hanging in space, and confronting Satan. I think this was also the best Rose episode, as she really shows how strong and independent she's become in this episode.

Worst Episode: "Idiot's Lantern" in between two really good two-parters, this episode has TV's being used to steal faces. It's a pretty dumb plot, that has some cliches, and separates Rose and The Doctor a little too much. This series worked because of Rose and The Doctor's relationship, and this episode just didn't have enough of it. It should have.

The Christmas Special: "The Runaway Bride" was odd to me. It had a very strange tone, and I'm not a huge fan of that actress, but I sort of like the return to rompy times after a few episodes in a row that were very dramatic.

Predictions for Series Three: After the sad finale for Series Two, I think Series Three will go back to fun times and bring the humor in the show. Hopefully the Doctor will find a new companion, who will have a completely separate love life, and bring the fun.

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