Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 6 "Down and Dirty"

Tom's Take:

We're down to twelve people! Does that mean jury has started? This episode also featured some awesome negotiations, which lead to a lot of whining from Artis. I don't know why he hates Skupin, but he does, which  is why I want to see them go to tribal council!


 Penner: (120 points) He got really close to getting blindsided tonight, but I think he's actually aware of it, which is why I'm curious to see how he reacts to Katie's vote. Will he realize that Jeff Kent was planning on turning on him? Will he strike first? Also, how did he think that trade was a good idea? Is he that proud of his fishing abilities that he would just give away all their rice?

 Carter:  (72 points)  He got quite a bit of airtime tonight, but he really didn't do much to deserve it. I think he  was a bit cowardly for not making a move against Penner. Also, I don't like that he's apparently just letting Jeff Kent run his game. Who would vote for him if all he does is follow Jeff Kent's lead?

 Katie: (86 points): I was rooting for Katie to survive this tribal council, but she wasn't strong enough to convince the others. She really should have pushed Kent and Carter harder to take a crack at Penner, but I don't think she really had a strong case.

 Jeff Kent: (108 points) Jeff did really well in that immunity challenge, and I feel like his injury isn't causing him any real problems. He's doing really well in the game actually, although his tribe isn't faring well. I wonder how he plans to overcome the merge problems. But I actually think his current 3 Man group is a good final 3 for him, since it includes Carter who does nothing and Penner who would have an anti-veteran bias.

 Denise: (106 points)  Denise is doing well, going off of the fact that her name wasn't even really seriously considered to be voted out.

Tandang (+10 points for the immunity win)

Mike Skupin: (118 points) Why is everyone hating on Skupin? Is he seriously just eating all the rice? I liked his negotiation for himself and his tribe, but his tribe just hates him too much. I do like to note his relationship with Penner, and I think that him and RC will be looking there for support after the merge.

 Abi Maria: (114 points)  Jeff called Abi Maria out again, but she doesn't seem to care. I wonder what she's going to do after the merge. I think that it's possible she and Pete will get arrogant, and vote out Skupin or RC instead of Jeff Kent or Penner, which will cost them in the long run.

 Artis:  (95 points)  He really hates Skupin. I thought his outburst was completely unjustified.

 RC: (124 points) I kinda like her flirting with Malcolm. I'd like to see them pair up. An RC/Skupin/Malcolm/Lisa alliance would be a good idea. Has she made a move to get Lisa on her side yet?

 Lisa: (101 points) Lisa has a lot of power in the game, at least for now. I wonder whether she feels more loyal to Pete or Skupin? And is she going to make an alliance with Malcolm? What will that lead to?

 Peter: (101 points)  I think he's losing his grip on his tribe. He needs them to lose so he can cut his enemies.

 Malcolm: (159 points) Malcolm is a beast. End of story. He single handedly won that immunity challenge for Tandang. He's in a great position within his tribe, and he seems to have two idols at his disposal. I am still projecting him to win, and I think with Denise surviving yet another Tribal Council, he's now got a strong 2 person alliance to face the rest of the castaways.

Final 12 (Jury?) Rankings

1. Malcolm: 159
2. RC: 124
3. Penner: 120
4. Skupin: 118
5. Abi Maria: 114
6. Jeff Kent: 108
7. Peter: 107
8. Denise: 106
9. Lisa: 101
10. Artis: 95
11. Katie: 86
12. Carter: 72

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