Monday, October 22, 2012

Five Drinks Into TV: Castle Season 4

Tom's Take:

Season  Four of Castle is at times over angsty, but most of the time it keeps away from that and brings the funny. It's really only the beginning and ending of the season that engage with Beckett's running investigation of her mother's murder, and the season is better for it, even though I really liked the season  finale. The premiere of the season felt off, since it was TOO focused on the angst. I also didn't really like Castle's douche phase, although I appreciated that it was necessary.

I'll start by talking about "Rise" the season premiere, since that seems like a logical place to start. This is a problematic episode because the tone is really off. I find that I don't like it very much when Castle is depressed, because he cuts the comedy, and this show needs comedy. That coupled with the cliche shooting aftermath hospital scenes, and Castle making that weird deal with Smith makes this episode very much a miss for me.

On the other hand, I thought "Heroes and Villains" was an absolutely great episode, because it brings the fun. We are brought into the fun with Castle's Derek Storm character getting his own graphic novel, and a costumed vigilante killer suspect. It was very fun. We also find out that Beckett is a comic book fan, which continues the writers' somewhat obvious trend of making Beckett a fan boy's ideal woman. She's hot AND she's into nerdy things. And that is what all fanboys want. A hottie we can talk to.

Are we ever going to get another episode with 3XK? I feel like "Kick the Ballistics" teased us with the idea that he would be coming back, but then didn't deliver.

"Cops and Robbers" was a highlight of the season because it separated Castle and Beckett and allowed us to see both of them working separate from each other, but showing that their connection went well beyond just them working together. The scene where Beckett finds Castle was a good Caskett moment too, since it was clear in that moment how much she cared about him.

"Heartbreak Hotel" was one of the worst episodes of the season, and part of that is the in media res. I really dislike in media res, and it was over used in this season. I forgave it in the finale, because I really liked that episode, but it was just too much. It's not a good narrative tool, because the drama it builds is false. I want the drama to be real and not a result of a narrative trick.

I'm not a fan of the new Captain Gates. Is it mandatory that the Police Captain be black by the way? It just seems like her character is very one dimensional. She's tough. The end. I guess it adds the drama of Castle being pushed away from the police station, since it seems clear that Beckett no longer minds.

It's an interesting dynamic between Castle and Beckett in the beginning of the season. He told her he loved her, so she has all the cards, and yet this season seems to focus more on her feelings for him. It's like by putting his cards on the table, he gained the power, because she's the one who can't open up.

I don't think the shrink was needed. Beckett could have confided in Laney.

That said, I really liked "Kill Shot" and dealing with Beckett's PTSD. Her being human and having weakness makes her a better character in my opinion. She can't be perfect all the time, or she'd be boring.

"Cuffed" was a great episode in that it kept Beckett and Castle together for the whole episode and allowed us to see the two of them deal with both the internal conflicts that always get in their way, and also the working chemistry that is what ultimately makes them great partners. It also had the two holding hands a lot which was cute to see.

"Dial M for Murder" brought some bigger conspiracies to the show, and I have a feeling that this will play a more important part in Season Five's plot, especially with the current election cycle in progress.

The two parter of "Pandora" and "Linchpin" once again gave us a much grander scope to the plot, while also ultimately focusing on Beckett being jealous of Castle's ex.

"47 Seconds" started Castle's "douche phase" as he finds out that Beckett knew that he had confessed his love to her, and in "Limey" and "Headhunters"  he punishes her by bringing other women around and hanging around Slaughter (played by Adam Baldwin, genius) leading to her realizing that he was slipping away and wanting to reveal her feelings to him.

"Undead Again" had zombies which was awesome.

Best Episode: "Always" was a great season finale. It had Alexis' graduation which was a big moment for Castle and his daughter, and turning point for his living situation. It had more progress in Beckett's investigation. Most important of all it had Beckett and Castle finally getting together. And it was glorious. Simply glorious.

Worst Episode: "Blue Butterfly" had the stupid 50's style theme, which I'm not a fan of.

Predictions: Season Five will have more big political conspiracies. It will also end with Beckett finding out she's pregnant.

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