Thursday, October 18, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 5 "Got My Swag Back"

Tom's Take:

And the Matsing Tribe is gone. Jeff is right. This tribe was decimated, and at the end of the day, Malcolm and Denise are left to be split into the Tandang and Kalabaw tribes. Both find themselves in surprisingly good positions, since their new tribes are apparently too focused on separate issues to take them out. That coupled with Dana leaving the game allowed both Denise and Malcolm to make it to the final twelve, which I assume means they'll at least be on jury.


 Penner: (93 points) His male alliance won by default, because Dana left the game, and they were able to recruit Denise as their fourth member. The result is that Penner is now in charge of a fairly tight group, that should be heading into a merge soon. I think they're waiting till 10 for the merge this season, so he'll need to pull a couple of immunity wins to stay strong enough in the numbers to take on Tandang. Otherwise, he'd be my projected winner.

 Dana: (62 points)  Dana basically quit the game which is really disappointing to see.

 Dawson: (87 points) I wish the editing hadn't cut so much of Dawson's character, because she was very funny in the limited amount of time we got to see her. I wish she had made more of an effort to expose Jeff Kent, just so we could see that drama play out.

 Carter:  (57 points) Well he's in the right alliance in Kalabaw, and he seems nice.

 Katie: (71 points): We got to see more of Katie in this episode, and it appears that she was the leader of the girl's alliance, that is now gone. She sucked at the challenge, but managed to survive anyways, and was apparently let in on the plan to cut Dawson.

 Jeff Kent: (88 points) Jeff Kent survived the episode! He also got rid of Dawson, the only person who appears to know anything about baseball. Good for him.

 Denise: (96 points)  I hope Denise and Malcolm both make it to the merge so that we can see them reteam up and win this thing! Seriously, the fact that she survived this episode shows that she is good. Now she can use her connection to Malcolm to leverage a permanent spot as the fourth member of the Kalabaw Tribe alliance.

Tandang (+10 points for the immunity win)

Mike Skupin: (98 points) Skupin dominated that reward challenge with the strategy of throwing his statue up as high as he could, and then charging at his opponent. Good stuff.

 Abi Maria: (100 points)  She continues to sit out every challenge. I don't know why she is allowed to do this. Thanks for pointing it out Jeff.

 Artis:  (71 points) Why was Artis paired against Dana?

 RC: (106 points) Malcolm may be just the person to help RC dig herself out of the hole she's in right now. I hope Malcolm has what it takes to use her against the Abi-Maria/Peter alliance.

 Lisa: (83 points) Lisa is in a good position to go far in this game.

 Peter: (91 points) What is Peter thinking telling Malcolm about having an idol? He's basically giving Malcolm ammunition to use against him.

 Malcolm: (137 points) Malcolm turned his whole game around this episode, and I am now projecting him to win the season now. He has an idol, knows where the Tandang idol is, and has everyone in the Tandang Tribe fighting over him. With his idol and his knowledge, his competition skills, plus his alliance with Denise, he should be able to maneuver his way to the end. It won't be easy, but Malcolm seems like he has the skills to do it. I'm not only projecting him to win, I'm cheering for him!

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