Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Five Drinks Into TV: Caste Season 3

Tom's Take:

Season Three of Castle is a bit inconsistent at times, but overall continues to push the main characters along on their journeys. We as the audience are treated to the fact that we are really growing to love these characters. The show has reached a point this season where we feel comfortable and familiar with these characters. We don't even want challenging character development, and romantic tensions, we just want to tune in for our beloved characters, and the clever dialogue. That's not to say there isn't challenging character development, or romantic tension, but it's not really what we're tuning in for.

So let's get into the characters and what we know about all of them.

Rick Edgar "Alexander" Castle: Castle's most prominent feature in this season was his desire to believe in conspiracies. He's definitely the Mulder of the show, as he is constantly challenging Beckett to believe in more than just reality. He started this season dating his ex-wife, but that relationship fell apart by the middle of the season. The reason seemingly being because he just doesn't love her, but it's pretty clear that the real reason is that he's in love with Beckett. We can see his love for her throughout the season, but most telling is the fact that he basically is celibate this season after his breakup. He has a chance to sleep with the actress playing Nikki Heat, but he passes on it. Then we get "Knockdown" where Castle and Beckett finally kiss, and all their scenes in "Countdown" built up these two people as clearly being in love with each other. Finally we have the season finale "Knockout" where Castle confesses his love to Beckett after she is shot. I look forward to seeing if she reciprocates this in Season 4.

Kate Beckett: Beckett is really hot in Season Three. I am definitely a fan of Stana Katic. She is also a good actress, and I think she's done a good job of maintaining her power despite the usual trope of females eventually losing their power to the male leads. Beckett remains in control in her relationship/partnership with Castle, although I do think the show does occasionally make Castle too important in solving the cases. I liked in "A Deadly Affair" when Ryan asks Beckett how long before Castle cracked the case did she figure it out. She's an actual detective, and she should be better at her job than Castle.  The thing I most liked about Beckett this season was her engagement in the child-like wonder with Castle, especially in the episode "Poof! You're Dead" where she reveals to Castle that her grandpa was a magician. I like that despite being hot, she's also a bit of a nerd and a fan girl. A girl like Beckett doesn't really exsist in the real world, which is why the audience falls in love with her as much as Castle does. My least favorite aspect of Beckett's character arc this season was her relationship with Josh. At times the writers tried to sell this relationship as a big deal, but Josh was practically never on screen, and we saw her constantly flirting with Castle, so there was no way for the audience to feel for this relationship.

Roy Montgomery: The Police Captain, and father figure for Beckett is revealed at the end of the season to have been involved in the conspiracy to kill Beckett's mom. I think this sort of came out of left field, and the entire season finale felt rushed.

Martha Rodgers: Castle's mom continues to provide some comic relief, while also humanizing Castle by showing how charitable he can be by continuing to support her. I don't necessarily feel anything more for her though, and she should be used sparingly in my opinion.

Allexis: I like Allexis, but that Ashley guy seemed like a douche.

Detective Ryan: In "Nikki Heat" Ryan proposes to Jenny, which is a very nice moment for the show. He continues to be the "nice guy" that girls can dream about marrying instead of just banging. I love him and Esposito as a pair though.

Detective Esposito: In "Poof! You're Dead" we find out Esposito is dating Laney which is a nice background relationship for the show. I like this relationship as a paralell for the Castle and Beckett relationship, and want to see this explored further.

Best Episode: "Close Encounters of the Mysterious Kind" The abduction scene was the funniest thing we've seen on the show so far.

Worst Episode: "A Deadly Affair" because it was a In Media Res episode, and I think that's used too much.

Prediction for Season 4: I think Castle and Beckett will finally get together.

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