Friday, October 12, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 4 "Create a Little Chaos"

Tom's Take:

Oh Matsing Tribe. Why were you so terrible? Why couldn't you have won just one immunity challenge? And why do I still think that Malcolm and Denise have a shot at this thing? Meanwhile Kalabaw finally gets some airtime and we find out that there is a gender split in that tribe, which could lead to some interesting post merge situations. Meanwhile the Tandang tribe continues to boil over as Abi Maria is clearly crazy, RC has grown too complacent, and Peter is loving every moment of it. So let's get into rankings!

Team Russell or the Matsing Tribe. They get 0 bonus points since they lost the challenge. Wow. They got destroyed. I hope there's a merge soon.

 Russell Swan: (93 points) He went out with a bang, as he ended up being the first Vet voted out of the season, and the only person unable to put two and two together and find the idol with the clue. I loved his crazy rants, and I'm sad that we didn't get to see him try and play the game after a merge.

 Denise: (73 points) Denise is obviously a good social player as she was able to get a standing ovation from her two remaining competitors, and she was able to get Russell to vote for Malcolm, making her the swing vote, and thus the most powerful member of her tribe yet again. I think she's got the skills to make a run of this once she gets into a merge situation.

 Malcolm: (81 points) Malcolm is a great competitor, but he keeps coming up short, and I feel like the same thing is going to happen at some point in the future of the individual immunity challenges.  

Kalabaw aka Team Penner gets 10 points for a second place finish.

 Penner: (81 points) So I guess he's the leader of a male alliance in Kalabaw now?

 Dana: (60 points)  She is bringing the girl-power. Good for her, I hope she isn't a let down, and actually makes some moves in this game.

 Dawson: (58 points) I hope the girls go far in this game. I like all girl alliances.

 Carter:  (56 points) Look at Carter making moves!

 Katie: (54 points) She's pretty. I'd like to see more of her.

 Jeff Kent: (77 points) Is Jeff Kent going to get medivaced out of this game?

Team Mike Skupin or the Tandang Tribe. 15 bonus points for a first place finish.

Mike Skupin: (83 points) I wish we could see more of Skupin.

 Abi Maria: (85 points)  She is a hot mess. I love it.

 Artis:  (57 points) Watch Artis turn out to be a strategic mastermind.

 RC: (90 points) RC needs to make a move, because she's in trouble, and doesn't even know it.

 Lisa: (71 points) Lisa is taking advantage of the new situation in the game, and gaining ground on being the frontrunner for this thing.

 Peter: (75 points) Pete is in control of the game, and I have to project him as the current winner, but he's too cocky for that to last, and I don't see any way that he does well at the final Tribal Council if he makes it that far. I think he's in for a rude awakening, and it's going to be funny to watch.

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