Friday, September 21, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 1 Survivor Smacked Me in the Chops

Tom's Take: 

I loved this episode. The whole concept of returning players rubs me the wrong way, but I like these three more than most, and I see a lot of potential among the other castaways. Let's jump right in!

Team Russell or the Matsing Tribe. They get 0 bonus points since they lost the challenge.

1. Russell Swan: (19 points) I enjoy Russell quite a bit, but his gameplay is FLAWED! No, but he seems to have gotten himself trapped in this role as chief even though his whole plan going in was to NOT be the chief.  As a returning player, Russell naturally gets more air time than others, but I think he was genuinely an interesting character in his tribe.

2. Angie: (10 points) Is it just me or does Angie look like Shannon from Lost? She's really hot, that's my main takeaway from her.  I do like her flirting with Malcolm, and she has funny reactions to things Russell says. I think she manages to make it pretty far.

3. Zane: (31 points) This guy was hilarious. He came out of the gate swinging, and tried to make an alliance with EVERYBODY. Then he told everybody that was what he was doing. He had to have Russell drag him during their challenge, and then after they lost he told everyone to vote him out. What was he thinking? I have no idea, but I was captivated, and I think him getting voted out will be a loss to the season.

4. Denise: (14 points) I like Denise and I think she's going to do really well in this game with her alliance with Malcolm. She also showed out of the gate that she's going to have a good social game. The only challenge for her will be her Tribe's weakness in the challenges. I hope they recover and she gets into a good position moving forward.

5. Roxanne:(4 points) I didn't see much of her in last night's episode, but I guess she's super religious? I look forward to that playing out.

6. Malcolm: (19 points) I don't see him getting a Winner's edit, but I think him and Denise are going to be very strong in the early part of the game, and I see Malcolm being the voice of reason on a bitter jury.

Team Penner or the Kalabaw Tribe. They get 15 bonus points for getting first place in that Immunity Challenge.

7. Penner: (22 points) I thought Penner got the weakest edit of the three returning players. He's searching for the idol early, and not making any great strides to forge a solid alliance within his tribe. I see Jeff Kent making a move against him, and taking him out sooner rather than later.

8. Dan: (19 points) I was surprised that Dana appeared to want to form an alliance with Jeff Kent, but Dan's performance in that challenge was abysmal.

9. Dawson: (17 points) She recognized Jeff Kent. I wonder what she will do with that information.

10. Carter:  (15 points) Did he speak in this episode? I hope we learn more about him sometime later this season. Don't just ignore him, please.

11. Katie: (18 points) I have no problem with eye candy, but I just hope that she's got some game to back it up.

12. Jeff Kent: (23 points) Jeff Kent stands as a good foil for Penner. I'll enjoy seeing their rivalry play out.

Team Mike Skupin or the Tandang Tribe. 10 Bonus points for winning immunity.

13. Mike Skupin: (35 points) I hope Skupin doesn't hurt himself! Seriously though, Skupin is playing a good game getting into the majority alliance while also having a side alliance with Lisa. I guess that means he'll want  Artis out first? Or maybe he won't like RC's overplaying. Either way, I see him very composed in this game, and I think he'll do very well.

14. Abi Maria: (13 points) She's in the dominant alliance, and she's planning on flirting with Peter for "strategic" purposes. Good for her.

15. Artis:  (11 points) Not much to say for him. I like his look.

16. RC: (33 points) I'm Team RC! She's overplaying, but I can't really blame her, and I liked getting to meet her in this episode. She's formed a majority alliance in her tribe, and seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I hope she doesn't overplay herself out of the game.

17. Lisa: (19 points) I think she's a great casting choice, and I love seeing a fan on the show. Her backstory is interesting of course, but I don't really see her being on this show for very long. She's just not doing well on her tribe right now. The only thing she has going for her is that Skupin seems to be a fan of hers.

18. Peter: (15 points) He's kind of funny. I want to see more of him.

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