Friday, September 28, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 2 Don't Be Blinded By The Headlights

Tom's Take: 

We're back to a basic one hour episode, and I was sort of frustrated with the editing in this episode. We spent so much time with the Matsing Tribe, that it was very obvious that they would be the ones going to Tribal Council.  Still it was an okay episode, although I want to see more from the ignored Kalabaw Tribe.

Team Russell or the Matsing Tribe. They get 0 bonus points since they lost the challenge. This Tribe is in trouble, and if they don't get their act together soon they're going to get knocked out quickly.

1. Russell Swan: (31 points) Russell  is not in good shape in his tribe, but he was tossed a lifeline in the form of Roxy shooting herself in the foot. I'm not sure he really would have been going home, but he didn't and that's all that matters. I wonder if he's looking for that idol?

2. Angie: (24 points) She survived Tribal which is good for her, and she seems to have made the right bond with her little showmance with Malcolm. She also had the line of the night despite it not being the episode title, when she said the thing they needed to change about their tribe, was that she would have liked some cookies.

3. Denise: (23 points) Denise chose who went home at that Tribal Council, and I think that says a lot about her spot in the tribe. She's dug herself into a very good place, and I think when we get a Tribe Merge, she's going to be effective at getting herself out of the hole her early tribe's losses will have her in.

4. Roxanne:(27 points) Roxy went out swinging which is always nice to see, and I think she did have a good case to try and get Denise to keep her over Angie, but she just didn't know how to get Denise on her side. Still she went down fighting which was nice to see.

5. Malcolm: (33 points) If his tribe hadn't lost the first two immunity challenges, I'd be projecting Malcolm as the winner. He's playing a good game, making an alliance with Denise, and now he's got Angie in his back pocket. If only he could make it to the merge with numbers, I'd love his chances of winning.

Team Penner or the Kalabaw Tribe. They get 10 bonus points for getting second place in that Immunity Challenge. I'm unimpressed by this Tribe in terms of character development though. The only people who have gotten any air time are Penner and Jeff Kent.

6. Penner: (44 points) He got an idol, but he ignored the social aspect of the game, and I have a feeling he's going to be voted out with that idol in his pocket.

7. Dana: (31 points) She did well calling in that challenge.

8. Dawson: (27 points) No confessional in this episode.

9. Carter:  (25 points) Carter has spoken 0 times in 2 episodes, so I think there's 0% of him winning. Editing would have found a way to give us some dialogue from him at this point.

10. Katie: (28 points) They need to find a way to give this tribe more air time.

11. Jeff Kent: (35 points) Jeff Kent has hurt his knee. That's his only storyline so far this season.

Team Mike Skupin or the Tandang Tribe. 15 Bonus points for winning the immunity challenge.

12. Mike Skupin: (51 points) Skupin continues to hurt himself. He's in good shape though in terms of his relationships on his tribe.

13. Abi Maria: (34 points) What the hell is she doing threatening her main alliance?

14. Artis:  (26 points) Not much to say for him. I like his look.

15. RC: (55 points) I'm still Team RC! I hope she finds the idol.

16. Lisa: (38 points) Lisa continues to eat up air time, but she doesn't seem to be doing anything to deserve it. I get the feeling the only reason she's been given so much air time is her celebrity status, and I don't think this is meant as a Winner's Edit.

17. Peter: (31 points) Not seeing a winner here.

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