Thursday, September 20, 2012

Five Drinks into Reality TV: Big Brother 14 Finale and Final Rankings

Tom's Take:

This has been an insane season, and even though a lot of people are unhappy with the coach's twist, I think it provided a lot of drama, and it was fun to see Dan carve a path through these newbies to the end. There were a few boring weeks, with JoJo, Wil, and Jenn's evictions, but there are always boring weeks, and I think this season ended very strongly. In particular I thought this Final 2 was the most epic I've ever seen, as both players were deserving, and both continued to fight for their win. Have you ever seen two finalists taking jabs at each other in the middle of their answers? It was fun to watch, and contrary to popular belief, I thought Dan deserved his loss. He should have known he couldn't go to the final 2 with Ian, and yet he did. He also should have known he couldn't bring the bible and his wife's name into his swears without leaving this jury bitter, and yet he did. He played a better overall game than Ian, but his endgame was terrible. You can't go to the Final 2 with the most likeable person in the house after burning everyone in the jury and expect to win.


Won Safety Week 6
Gameplay: 490
Showplay: 755
Awards: Best Goodbye Message to Boogie
Alliances: 4 Pack, Quack Pack, Silent Six, Alpha Omega Bye, Team Brit,  Petite Pair,

Britney was an even worse coach than Dan was, losing two players in one week because she couldn't stop Willie from getting himself expelled. However when the game reset she was in the dominant 4 person alliance with Dan, Shane, and Danielle, that formed the core of numerous other alliances, but most prominently the Quack Pack. She was in a good position, and playing a good social game at that point, but she let Dan outmaneuver her, and paid the price for it. I thought her DR's remained very entertaining, and her goodbye message to Boogie was a season highlight. I'm a little surprised she didn't win AC, but I'm glad another newbie won it instead. Britney was enjoyable this season, and while she won't go down as one of the greats, I think she was worth bringing back.


0 Comp Wins
Gameplay: 65
Showplay: 65
Awards: Least Deserving Exit
Alliances: Team Brit, Willie's Self Destructive Alliance

After the fact, Frank realized what a huge mistake it was cutting JoJo over Danielle. They could have gotten rid of Dan! Instead they got rid of JoJo who was at most a minor competition threat. This eviction also would have never happened if Willie hadn't lost his mind. I feel bad for JoJo, she got screwed . I had recklessly predicted her for a win, but I was wrong.


2 HoH's
4 Vetos
Gameplay: 875
Showplay: 345
Awards: Funniest Juror Question
Alliances: Team Brit, Nomance, 4 Pack, Quack Pack, Silent Six, Three Amigos, DDS

I thought Shane was pretty funny in that juror questioning section. He really grew on me towards the end of the game, especially with his unintended comedy. He was a strong competitor, and when others claim that the competition was weak this season I just roll my eyes. BB14 had a well rounded group of competitors just like every season, and Shane was just dominant among them with Frank. Shane's early comp wins surprisingly did not put a huge target on his back, due to everyone seeing how easily manipulated he was, and that allowed him to make it far in the game. He was boring to watch most of the time, and his showmance was miserable editing, but I think he was deserving of his Final 4 seat. Then he allowed Dan and Dani to ruin his game.


1 HoH was given to him
Gameplay: 30
Showplay: 380
Awards: Worst Move for getting expelled from the house,
Alliances: Team Brit, Willie's Self Destruct,

He's memorable, and was an important part of the drama this season, but I don't want to talk about him. He stole a spot from some other worthy applicant.


1 Coach's Comp
Gameplay: 480
Showplay: 690
Awards: Best DR's
Alliances: Team Boogie, Chilltown 2.0, Silent Six,

Boogie was actually funnier in his DR's than Brit was this season in my opinion. And he was a better coach than both Dan and Brit, even though they made it further than him. Once the game reset though, his game was poor other than getting Janelle out, and honestly I don't think that was all that great for him long term. He  took the fall for Dan wanting Frank out, which was kind of noble of him. His two players walked away with the grand prize and fan favorite, and he made 16,000 so he doesn't have too much to complain about. He was not a great Hamster to watch for the feedsters, instead focusing on his DR's for the live shows, so his Showplay score should be tempered quite a bit. But he was involved in the major Fruit Loops fight of the season.


4 HoH's
2 PoV's
2 Pandora's Boxes
6-1 Winner of BB14
Gameplay: 1490
Showplay: 1490
Awards: Winner, Allstar Worthy, Star of the Show, Personal Favorite,
Alliances: Team Boogie, Team Diversity, Quack Pack, Petite Pair, Renegades 2.0

Wow. First off, despite what anyone says, Ian is a deserving winner. He tied Rachel's comp record from last year, and he won 4 STRAIGHT HoH's. He was best friends with Britney who spent weeks on the jury campaigning for him, and he won his way to the Final 2. He took Dan, which many thought was the wrong move, but I agreed with. That jury HATED Dan, and keeping Dan proved once again that Ian was loyal which reinforced the jury's love of Ian. After getting flustered by the initial jury questions, Ian KILLED the final speech, bringing up great points in how he played a better competitive game, didn't have three lives like Dan did, and didn't need to backstab EVERYBODY in the game. He also brought up probabilities and statistics, reminding us all why we loved Ian, and wanted him to win. Kudos to Ian for putting the final nails in Dan's game coffin, FINALLY.


1 Pov
Gameplay: 515
Showplay: 72
Awards: Most Boring Houseguest
Alliances: Team Boogie, Team Diversity, Team Tits, DDJ

She played a good under the radar game to be honest, and Dan should have tried to take her to the Final 2 instead of Ian. But her only game move was for Dan's benefit, and only served to piss Ian off. She was incredibly boring, and I was not a fan of her hate of Ian. But I thought she raised some good points in defense of Dan, and I thought she was 100% voting for Dan. Then she didn't, and I was left confused as always.


3 HoHs
3 PoVs
Gameplay: 1180
Showplay: 880
Awards: AC, Allstar Worthy, Most Bitter Juror
Alliances: Team Boogie, Chilltown 2.0,

Frank was the strongest competitor this season, and despite what other people have said, I think he had a good social game as well, he was just too trusting. I think he will definitely come back at some point. Was his jury vote bitter? Yes, but he has a right to vote how he wants, and voting for Ian is perfectly defendable. He played a very good game, and if this had been an all newbies season I think he would have won.

2 Coaches Comps
Gameplay: 400
Showplay: 280
Awards: Best Coach, memorable Final Quote calling the vote against Dan a travesty
Alliances: Team Janelle

Janelle won the battle of the Coaches by being the last Coach to have 3 players pre-reset, since Frank was going home. That said, she did a terrible job reeling in her players after the reset. Her team turned on her, and she was out first in the new game. Her whole team followed soon after, with Joe being her MVP in 6th place.


Gameplay: 520
Showplay: 320
Awards: Funniest Post Game Youtube Trilogy
Alliances: Team Janelle, Team Diversity, Tits Alliance

I thought Wil was another player who got screwed by the whole Coach's twist. He had a great social game and would have had a shot to manipulate people if he hadn't been playing with Coaches who saw that in him and wanted him out. He pissed off Boogie which ended up getting him sent out the door, but he had a lot of insight into what was going on in the game. He also made a very good point on finale night, and if he was in the jury instead of Frank and Joe, Dan might have won.


Gameplay: 390
Showplay: 328
Awards: Most Improved
Alliances: Too many to count.

I started to like Joe towards the end of his run on Big Brother. He made numerous fake alliances, although I think he was genuine with some of them, and he ended up being voted out pretty much on accident because Dan couldn't get a shot off on Ian. I actually think his jury vote was not bitter, and I think he really was influenced by Ian's speech. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit.


Gameplay: 610
Showplay: 650
Awards: Blonde Award
Alliances: Team Janelle, Team Diversity, Team Tits

I think I majorly overestimated Ashley's gameplay to be honest. I would be interested to see more of her DR's, but I'm pretty sure she really was just a ditzy blonde. She was fun though, and I thought she was a solid casting choice.


2nd Place
1 HoH
1 PoV
Gameplay: 1975
Showplay: 1165
Awards: Russel Hantz Award, Allstar, Best Game
Alliances: Chelsea Gheesling

I think Dan deserved this loss. He torched the jury and went to the end with the most likeable guy in the house. That said, he played the best game in the house, and although I still rank Dr. Will over him in top BB players of all time, I don't think there's any question that Dan is #2 now, and I think there's a valid argument for Dan over Will.


2 HoH
2 PoV
Gameplay: 1100
Showplay: 775
Awards: Don't go online Danielle.
Alliances: 4 Pack, Quack Pack, Silent Six, Alpha Omega Bye, Nomance, DDS, DDJ

Oh boy. I ended up feeling bad for Dani at the end. Even though part of the game is playing people, Dan playing her was not a feat to be proud of because she already had so many issues to be dealt with. She is going to have a lot of things to deal with coming out of the house, and I don't think it helps that other Houseguests have decided to go after her for things she said about them. She's a mess, and I think they should see that and cut her some slack. But maybe I'm just being oversympathetic. She played an underrated game in my opinion, since she was very good at manipulating people, and at one point she seemed to have clinched Final Two. Then she used the veto and her game went down in flames.


Gameplay: 0
Showplay: 30
Awards: Most Untapped Potential
Alliances: First Evicted

I wish we could have seen more of her...if you know what I mean.

Gameplay: 0
Showplay: 0
Awards: Most Screwed over Houseguest
Alliances:Poor Jodi

CBS basically played an elaborate prank on Jodi to fuck her over.

And that's a wrap! Great Season!

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