Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Final 3

Tom's Take:

I am so happy with this week. Ian is in the Final 3! Dan, my projected winner, is guaranteed to be in the Final 2! I totally called Dan pulling this move!


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 85
Awards: Best DR from Jury

I love the jury segments, and Britney was the clear star of this one. She got in some good Frank bashing, and also made some good points about how good a game Dan is playing. I still think she'd vote for Ian over Dan, but I think that's a legitimate vote, whereas say a Jenn vote out of pure bitterness would have been awful.


 Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 20

Even in an episode where Shane was completely blindsided, he was fairly boring. I think he was cast solely for the purpose of being duped, and that makes me feel a little sad for him. I also think his showmance with Danielle finally became real for him in these final days. I think she just broke him down at last. Persistence pays off!


Strategy: 50
Social : 50
Show:  50

Ian survived this eviction for 2 reasons. He had a final 2 with Dan that Dan liked better than the lack of one with Shane, and he helped Shane win PoV last week. He probably doesn't realize that's why he's still in the house, but I'm not going to hold his luck against him. Luck is one of the most important assets to winning this game.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 0

Jenn who?


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 60

Frank had a fun fight with Britney at the jury house. He played one of the cleanest games in the house in terms of honesty and loyalty, but comments about Brit's husband are why people didn't like him. He's got a mean side, and it comes out here. I'm not knocking him for it in terms of showplay, but he's more of a villain than a hero. I'll be curious to see who he votes for, because he is like the leader of the Anti-Dan charge.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 10

Not much in the jury segment, I was hoping to hear more of Joe's bitterness towards Dan.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 50

I love Ashley. She wasn't the best of players, although I still give her credit for her social game in the early weeks, but she was a great casting choice. I even think she might have returned to Team Ian after a week alone with Ian. We shall see.


Strategy: 100
Social: 30
Show: 80
Awards: Projected Winner, Best Move for guaranteeing Final 2, Safest Player

Dan made the best strategic move for himself here. Ian will take Dan to the Final 2, and Shane wouldn't. Shane was never going to vote for Dan in the end, so he lost nothing. I'm not seeing a downside. I also think this has the upside of exposing Danielle as his puppet, and maybe even winning over bitter jurors. Hey, at least he screwed everybody EQUALLY.


HoH: 10/100
PoV: 10/100
Strategy: 0
Social: 50
Show: 50
Awards: Worst move for reducing her chances to win the game, while she had all the power.

Danielle had a 100% chance of making final 2 if Shane was still in the game, and Ian left. Instead she used the veto, and let Dan ruin her game. The only positive I can see, is that she didn't have to cut Shane herself and lose his jury vote to Dan.

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Dan: 1925
2. Ian: 1390
3. Frank: 1180
4. Danielle: 1100
5. Shane: 875
6. Ashley: 610
7. Wil:  520
8. Jenn: 515
9. Britney: 490
10. Boogie: 480
11. Janelle: 400
12. Joe: 390
13. JoJo: 65
14. Willie: 30
15. Kara: 0
16. Jodi: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Ian: 1290
2. Dan: 1085
3. Frank: 830
4. Danielle: 695
5. Britney:695
6. Boogie: 670
7. Ashley: 630
8. Willie: 380
9 Joe: 318
10. Shane: 295
11. Wil: 270
12. Janelle: 230
13. Jenn: 71
14. JoJo: 65
15. Kara: 10
16. Jodi: 0

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