Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Week 6

Tom's Take:

Final Four!


PoV: 60/100
Strategy: 0
Social: 30
Show: 20

He saved himself with that veto, bringing his total up to 4 this season. Not too shabby, and if he makes the Final 2, he'll have a good comp resume to hang his hat on.  He's still boring as hell though.


PoV: 60/100
HoH: 60/100
Strategy: 30
Social : 20
Show:  130
Awards:  Best DR for making America love him, Best Move for winning comps to keep himself safe.

TeamIan for America's Favorite! I love Ian, but his game has become completely dependent on comp wins, and his luck is going to run out at some point. Still, I think he clearly played one of the best games this season, and is a definite future All Star.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 13

Jenn slept her way through this game, and her weak gameplay was only surpassed by her weaker showplay. Terrible cast.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 65

Frank was another star of this show, although I think he was the villain to Ian's hero. His leaving officially pits Ian and Dan against each other as the two contenders for the title.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 85

Joe had a great and very class exit, that I enjoyed quite a bit.


HoH: 30/100
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 100
Awards: Projected Winner,

Dan had a rare glitch during the DE, that lead to him wasting his first HoH on Joe. It wasn't terrible for him, but there were better moves to be made. And he's left cutting Jenn this week, forcing him to remain with either his biggest rival remaining Ian, or the competitive threat Shane.  He's good enough to play through it, and I don't see him missing the Final 3, but Shane and/or Ian are not the people he wanted there with him.


Strategy: 20
Social: 50
Show: 50
Awards: Safest Player Award

Danielle continues to be the Ultimate Pawn, which will definitely get her into the Final 3, and probably the final 2 as well, but she'll have a hard time winning despite playing a strong social game all season.

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Dan: 1795
2. Ian: 1290
3. Frank: 1180
4. Danielle: 1050
5. Shane: 875
6. Ashley: 610
7. Wil:  520
8. Jenn: 515
9. Britney: 490
10. Boogie: 480
11. Janelle: 400
12. Joe: 390
13. JoJo: 65
14. Willie: 30
15. Kara: 0
16. Jodi: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Ian: 1240
2. Dan: 1005
3. Frank: 770
4. Boogie: 670
5. Danielle: 645
6. Britney:610
7. Ashley: 580
8. Willie: 380
9. Shane: 275
10. Wil: 270
11 Joe: 308
12. Janelle: 230
13. Jenn: 71
14. JoJo: 65
15. Kara: 10
16. Jodi: 0

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