Thursday, August 23, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Week 3

Tom's Take:

And the Silent 6 is done, and Boogie is gone. Yes! I'm doing this review before the double eviction, which is really a fast forward, which will obviously affect scores.


Strategy: 20
Social: 40
Show: 80
Awards: Best DR for insulting Shane

The only person who would take Britney to the Final 2, and she spends all her time berating him.  She's in the dominant alliance, but she's letting Dan run the team, and plant seeds against her. She is not making any moves, so I don't feel like I can award her any points.

HOH: 100/100
 Strategy: 20
Social: 80
Show: 80

 I continue to dislike Shane, but his inane gametalk is entertaining. I'm giving him good social points because he managed to flip Joe. That'll serve him well in getting to the final 2.


 Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 70
Awards: Worst Move for burning the bridge with Dan, and again not staying up when people are planning his doom.

Boogie could have recovered from being put up, but instead he burned his bridge with Dan and pretty much guaranteed his eviction. He did a terrible job campaigning for votes,  and he goes out in a shameful display.


Strategy: 90
Social : 90
Show: 110
Awards: Best Move for not getting caught playing both sides.

 I really want Ian to win America's Choice. I don't think he can win the actual game because he's 5th man at best with the Quad, and frankly I don't think he even makes it that far.


Strategy: 0
Social: 20
Show: 10

Jenn is my least favorite houseguest, and she's playing the dumbest game. She joined a team where even at best she's 6th on the totem pole, and that puts her up as a pawn and then lies to her about it. She is useless.


 Pov: 50/50
Strategy: 40
Social: 20
Show: 50

He saved himself with a veto, but he lost a team mate and is now backed into a corner. All he can do is fight!


Strategy: 10
Social: 40
Show: 40

He's worming his way into Final 5, but I hate watching him. I hope he goes in the double eviction.


Strategy: 40
Social: 30
Show: 60

She made the right strategic choice for herself this week, but it was the best of a bad bunch. She's horribly positioned and is Target #2 for the Quad.


Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 40
Awards: Projected Winner, Dr. Will Award (100 points) Dan Gheesling Award (100 points) for running the HOH and getting other people to feel sympathy for him.

The Fast Forward is going to put Dan in a lot of danger, but if he can make it through it, I think he has the game won. Dan played this week masterfully, and no he did not "fall on his sword" for Ian, although he claimed he did so that people would feel sorry for him. He has Britney campaigning for jury votes for him already, and is planting seeds in Shane's head to turn on Brit.


Strategy: 80
Social: 100
Show: 50
Awards: Safest Player Award

She seems to be completely unconcerned with the game, and she is an emotional mess, but I can't help but notice that there are 4 people who are willing to take her to the final 2 (Jenn, Shane, Britney, Dan). I'm not seeing any scenario where she DOESN'T make it to the final 2, and I have to reward that. I criticize her later for who she CHOOSES to stay with though.

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Dan: 1035
2. Frank: 1010
3. Ian: 780
4. Danielle: 730
5. Shane: 695
6. Ashley: 610
7. Wil:  520
8. Boogie: 480
9. Janelle: 400
10. Jenn: 375
11. Joe: 370
12. Britney: 350
13. JoJo: 65
14. Willie: 30
15. Kara: 0
16. Jodi: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Ian: 760
2. Boogie: 605
3. Ashley: 530
4. Danielle: 465
5. Britney:410
6. Frank: 405
7. Willie: 380
8. Dan: 325
9. Wil: 270
10. Janelle: 230
11. Shane: 220
12 Joe: 175
13. JoJo: 65
14. Jenn: 43
15. Kara: 10
16. Jodi: 0

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