Saturday, August 11, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Week 2

(Apparently a week was deleted on accident)
Tom's Take:

Well I like everybody else was left unsurprised by the twist of the coaches coming back, although I was surprised that Frank got another week in the game. And now he gets yet another week? Wow. I have to say that Janelle getting backdoored is one of the greatest surprises I've ever had watching this game, and one of the most brutal game moves in the history of Big Brother. I considered resetting everybody's scores, but the past isn't all just water under the bridge, so I don't think it should just be ignored.

That was last week's summary. You can do the math on what everyone got last week if you want. The other thing I included was a list of alliances, but those change every week so why bother? This week was rather dull, and I would have preferred if Joe went. Ugh.


Strategy: 20
Social: 40
Show: 80
Awards: N/A

This week, Britney realized she voted out someone who was willing to take her to the final 2. In exchange, she has Boogie, Frank, and Dan in a Bromance Triangle, Danielle who is batshit crazy, and Shane who after winning POV 3 times still doesn't really understand how it works. Wonderful. Boogie's already talking of backstabbing Britney, so she's in trouble there if Boogie wins. This is her week to make a move and take Chilltown 2.0 out. On the plus side though, I love her snarkiness, and she makes the feeds more entertaining.


 Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 20

He wins so many comps, he should be an allstar contender, but he's just so boring. He's got nothing going on upstairs, and just seems to agree with everything others say. His only strategic move has been in showmancing Danielle, and he has managed to screw that up too.


 Strategy: 90
Social: 20
Show: 60

Boogie got what he wanted out of this HOH, but it was a boring week. Boogie is putting no effort in being entertaining on the feeds, and he seems to completely ignore the social aspect of the game. He just keeps talking about how he's going to magically convince people to do what he wants. The sad part is that he's probably right.


Strategy: 70
Social : 90
Show: 120
Awards: Safest Player Award. Best Move for managing to play all sides.

The only wart on Ian right now is that Dan is already discussing how he doesn't want to take Ian to the final 2. I think he's guaranteed America's Favorite at this point, and maybe a 5th or 6th place finish. His ability to control people isn't great, but I do notice that his whole "don't rock the boat" saying got repeated a whole lot this week by Frank. Maybe I'm underestimating him? He's in such a great spot, but he needs to grow a pair and be willing to take a shot and make an enemy at a big player.


Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Show: 7
Awards:  N/A

Is she still in the house? Team Tits is done. Jenn isn't even all that safe with this whole Take the Floaters Out mentality.


HoH: 40/100
Pov: 10/30
Strategy: 50
Social: 70
Show: 100

This was a boring HoH, so I'm not giving Frank huge props. I think the move was to take out Dan. Without Dan, people will go after Boogie instead of Frank. Instead he's target #1 for anyone with the guts to take a shot at Chilltown 2.0. And Dan knows that Frank wanted him gone, so that isn't good for him.


Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 120
Awards: Worst Move for talking himself into being the target this week.

Wow. Joe was the target. Joe was going home. Then Wil talked with Boogie. Then Wil was the target. Then Wil went home. You do the math. I give him some credit for trying to arm Ashley and Jenn against Boogie and Frank, but really that's just me. He could have done well in an all newbie season.


Strategy: 50
Social: 30
Show: 70

I'm a sucker for the Family segment. I love Joe's family! His wife seems awesome, if there was a separate life grading section, he would be doing very well. He seemed to be a little better in the DR this week, and he was a lot better in the house. He went from Target #1, to...well not Target #1. I can't help but note that he's following the Dan pattern. The only one to vote for his ally, (Brian/Janelle) then put up on the block but kept due to his show of loyalty, while the gay guy goes home (Steven/Wil). I think it's just a coincidence, but I thought I'd bring it up.


Strategy: 50
Social: 70
Show: 130
Awards: Best DRs

I really enjoy Ashley, and I think her gameplay was actually okay this week. I don't think the DR is showing us her full grasp of the game. Showmancing Frank, to make headway with Chilltown 2.0 is smart. Driving a wedge between Ian and Frank is smart. Trying to get Frank to backdoor Dan without seeming like you have any idea that's what you're suggesting is smart. Can Ashley win the game? Probably not.  But she will make it far I think. Or maybe she'll get voted out by a wasted HoH, from someone stupid like Shane.


Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 40
Awards: Projected Winner

 Dan dodged the bullet this week. He now has Frank trusting him, and so does Boogie. So does the Quack Pack. These people have no idea what's going to hit them.


Strategy: 10
Social: 60
Show: 50

Danielle, you are playing for 500,000 dollars. Fuck Shane. Who cares whether he likes you or not. 500,000 dollars! Fuck Trey! I don't even know if he's real or not. And when people look at you, it isn't automatically a glare. Jesus, you're a mess. You're fun to watch, but you need to get your head in the game.

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Frank: 900
2. Dan: 655
3. Ian: 600
4. Danielle: 570
5. Ashley: 540
6. Wil:  520
7. Shane: 495
8. Boogie: 440
9. Janelle: 400
10. Jenn: 355
11. Joe: 320
12. Britney: 290
13. JoJo: 65
14. Willie: 30
15. Kara: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Ian: 650
2. Boogie: 535
3. Ashley: 470
4. Danielle: 415
5. Willie: 380
6. Frank: 355
7. Britney: 330
8. Dan: 285
9. Wil: 270
10. Janelle: 230
11. Shane: 140
12 Joe: 135
13. JoJo: 65
14. Jenn: 33
15. Kara: 10

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