Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Week 4

Tom's Take:

This week, Dan  made one of the greatest moves in Big Brother history, (I think it is the greatest, but I'll qualify it as "one of" for any who doubt that) after the worst happened and Frank his arch enemy won HoH. The result is that many fans are hailing Dan as the #1 BB player of all time, even over Dr. Will. Personally, Dr. Will is still my #1, but if Dan wins the season, that could change.


Strategy: 70
Social: 70
Show: 200
Awards: Best DR for her Dan Hate

This is such a bizarre score for Brit who is heading out the door, I know, but the truth is that this was her best week of BB play this year. She played all sides quite well, and was finally ousting Dan who needed to go so that she could lead the Quack Pack. Then everything blew up, but she's right when she talked about how glad she was that at least her eviction week was epic. She could have done a better job campaigning for votes, but  that was part of the huge mindfuck that was Dan's Funeral.


 Strategy: 10
Social: 40
Show: 15

People in the house trust Shane, and want him to go far for some reason, but the guy has no grasp on strategy, and made the wrong choice this week. He's just another puppet.


 Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 75

I'll give him post mortem showpoints for his tip of the hat to Ian.


HoH: 20/100
PoV: 50/50
Strategy: 60
Social : 50
Show:  200
Awards: Worst Move for getting caught playing both sides.

 I still really want Ian to win America's Choice. Ian did a good job recovering from backstabbing Frank, but he wasted his HoH. He's lucky to have won that PoV, as it is all that kept him safe this week from Dan ratting him out. Since the PoV ceremony, his game has been circling the drain, but at least he's playing, and I can hope for his recovery.


PoV: 50/50
Strategy: 30
Social: 20
Show: 15

Fuck Jenn! She made a move, and I'll give her credit for that, but she's still mostly useless. I think I gave her way too much credit for laying low in the early weeks, and I wish I could go back and take points away, but she's not worth it. She has no chance of winning this game.


 Pov: 50/50
HoH: 50/100
Strategy: 30
Social: 40
Show: 250

He did good work recovering his game this week, and I guess Brit is a pretty decent choice of person to get rid of, at least she's a member of the Quad, and he seems to have deflected a lot of heat onto Ian. But, he still threw away a chance to play for HoH. That's going to hurt him in the end.


Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 50

"He's Jerry." Dan pretty much sums it up best there. Floating is a fine strategy, but I'm sick of it, and Joe is getting played instead of being the one playing others. He gets show points for his silent speech, and that's it.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 50

I felt bad for her going out like that.


Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 450
Awards: Projected Winner, Best Move for getting himself off the block, Dr. Will Award (100 points) Dan Gheesling Award (100 points) for turning the house upside down.

Dan made the best move of the season this week, and while the pieces were in place for him to do this, it still requires a capable player unlike Matt Hoffman of BB12, to make this move.  He masterminded Ian's downfall as well, and with Frank not playing for two HoH's, I think we know who the next two evictions will be. I wonder when people will realize how easily Dan has mindfucked them all.


Strategy: 0
Social: 80
Show: 90
Awards: Safest Player Award

She outplayed Britney in terms of her Social Game, but it was a terrible decision allowing Dan's plan of taking out Brit to go through. She is Dan's bitch.

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Dan: 1435
2. Frank: 1180
3. Ian: 960
4. Danielle: 810
5. Shane: 745
6. Ashley: 610
7. Wil:  520
8. Britney: 490
9. Boogie: 480
10. Jenn: 475
11. Janelle: 400
12. Joe: 390
13. JoJo: 65
14. Willie: 30
15. Kara: 0
16. Jodi: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Ian: 960
2. Dan: 775
3. Boogie: 670
4. Frank: 655
5. Britney:610
6. Ashley: 580
7. Danielle: 555
8. Willie: 380
9. Wil: 270
10. Shane: 235
11. Janelle: 230
12 Joe: 225
13. JoJo: 65
14. Jenn: 58
15. Kara: 10
16. Jodi: 0

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