Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Week 4

Tom's Take:

This week, Dan  made one of the greatest moves in Big Brother history, (I think it is the greatest, but I'll qualify it as "one of" for any who doubt that) after the worst happened and Frank his arch enemy won HoH. The result is that many fans are hailing Dan as the #1 BB player of all time, even over Dr. Will. Personally, Dr. Will is still my #1, but if Dan wins the season, that could change.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Week 3

Tom's Take:

And the Silent 6 is done, and Boogie is gone. Yes! I'm doing this review before the double eviction, which is really a fast forward, which will obviously affect scores.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Reset Week 2

(Apparently a week was deleted on accident)
Tom's Take:

Well I like everybody else was left unsurprised by the twist of the coaches coming back, although I was surprised that Frank got another week in the game. And now he gets yet another week? Wow. I have to say that Janelle getting backdoored is one of the greatest surprises I've ever had watching this game, and one of the most brutal game moves in the history of Big Brother. I considered resetting everybody's scores, but the past isn't all just water under the bridge, so I don't think it should just be ignored.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 3

Tom's Take:

This week ended up meaning nothing, so I'm not going to give points for it. I'll give Shane points for his HoH next week.