Friday, July 20, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Player Scores

Tom's Take:

What a crazy week. Best first week of a season by far in my opinion. And after some consideration I have decided to give grades to everyone, including the coaches, because the are "definitely" coming back into the game. So here we go!


Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 80
Awards: N/A

Britney had a strong team after the draft that allowed her to get the first HoH, and her first week she formed an alliance with Janelle that I thought was really strong, but then she let Willie's paranoia ruin her game. To make things worse she told Willie that she thought the coaches were entering the game which made Willie even MORE paranoid. Terrible Britney. Terrible.


Strategy: 20
Social: 15
Show: 15
Awards: N/A

Not a lot going on with JoJo. She seems to be disliked amongst her houseguests to be honest, and to make things worse she's on Britney's team which is in shit creek. Her only positive attribute is that she's not a threat, and so I assume she'll be safe this week.


PoV: 15/30.
Strategy: 40
Social: 50
Show: 30
Awards: N/A

I think he's playing an okay, low key game. He would have been a much better HoH than Willie. He's pretty boring though, and he got the second half of Wednesday's episode dedicated to himself.


HoH: 10/100. Well, he didn't evict himself at least...
Strategy: 0.
Social: 20.
Show: 300
Awards: Worst Move for his  House Meeting to get out the Coaches,

Wow. Just wow. He turned 6/9 other house guests against him all in this first HoH reign. He let his paranoia run rampant, and then called a ridiculous house meeting. Then he yelled at Frank and failed to rally votes against him. He blew up his entire game in a brutal fashion.


Coaches Comp: 20/20 I'm calling this immunity the magic Duck in honor of Ian. Boogie's whole team made it, so clearly he made the right move.
Strategy: 50
Social: 20
Show: 90
Awards: Best DR, (close win over Britney, mostly for "kick me in the head America."

He mostly slept all week, while Janelle lead a smear campaign against him, but his team remains intact, and he was funny in the DR.


Strategy: 50
Social : 60
Show: 120
Awards: N/A

This kid is fucking nuts. CBS shanked him by not showing his "does anyone want Digiorno?" at the end of the big Fruit loops argument. He want from being the creeper to being the lovable younger brother of Team Diversity. He stole the show on Sunday and Wednesday though, and he kicked himself in the face. Hilarious. I'm now rooting for this lovable nerd.


Strategy: 70
Social: 35
Show: 1
Awards: Safest Player Award

She's safe, because her strategy has been to just disappear. And she has.


Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 75
Awards:  Best Move for surviving eviction, Evel Dick Award for dominating Willie with his Fruit Loops comment.

Eat your fucking Fruit Loops. Genius. He played a solid week, making a deal with Willie that kept him safe, and then when that started to fall apart he formed Diversity with Joe and Janelle's team.


Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 60
Awards: N/A

Of the coaches, I think Janelle is playing the best game. She's got a pretty well rounded team and is playing the best social game of the four. She is definitely coming out ahead of her feud with Britney.


Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 40
Awards: N/A

I was a little disappointed by his DR's, because he's such a lively character. He's playing a very good game in my opinion, and his voting Kara out shows that he IS playing, and willing to make decisions that will truly benefit him in the game.


Strategy: 50
Social: 40
Show: 35
Awards: N/A

A few days ago I thought Joe was the Shelly of the season. He seemed to be making moves to turn the house against Willie, and to keep Kara over Frank. Unfortunately, he kept talking. I hate that he named his alliance Diversity, and I hate that he put himself at the front of that alliance. Lay back dude.


Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 10
Awards: Projected To Win

CBS screwed her out of air time, but she was the swing vote this week. I'm not sure if she made the best decision, but she made sure that everyone was okay with her doing it. She seems to be good with everyone in the house, and she can adapt to convince everyone she's on their side. Really good gameplay.


Strategy: 30
Social: 50
Show: 50
Awards: N/A

Team Dan is in trouble, but after Willie's melt down its not as bad as you would think. If Danielle can play Dan's game from BB10, and lay low until it's time to show up, then she can win.


Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 45
Awards: N/A

I'm rooting for Danielle, I really am, but she has a lot of room for improvement. She hasn't forged any solid alliance, but she can play the floater card for a while. It should be interesting.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 10
First Evicted

She fell to the Model Curse, and could do nothing about it. Her gameplay was non existent. Boring first evictee.

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Ashley: 180
2. Wil: 160
3. Frank: 160
4. Janelle: 160
5. Ian: 110
6. Jenn: 105
7. Shane: 105
8. Joe: 90
9. Dan: 80
10. Danielle: 80
11. Boogie: 70
12. Britney: 60
13. JoJo: 35
14. Willie: 30
15. Kara: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Willie: 300
2. Ian: 120
3. Boogie: 90
4. Britney: 80
5. Frank: 75
6. Janelle: 60
7. Dan: 50
8. Danielle: 45
9. Wil: 40
10. Joe: 35
11. Shane: 30
12. JoJo: 15
13. Ashley: 10
14. Kara: 10
15. Jenn: 1

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