Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality: Glass House Episode 6

Tom's Take:

I'm really losing interest in Glass House. I just don't have time for Glass House when Big Brother is on.

1. Joy: 134 points. She keeps bringing the drama, and wow she kisses good.

2. Gene: 110 points. Gene and I are on the outs, much like Gene and Joy seem to be.

3. Erica: 87 points. I enjoy Erica, but I can't cheer for her while she's pulling these antics.

4. Jeffrey: 76 points.  Vote his arrogant ass off.

5. Kevin: 76 points. I really hope he doesn't win.

6. Andrea: 71 points. Was she in this episode?

7. Mike: 69 points. I'm going to cheer for him over Jeffrey.

8. Stephanie: 54 points. Maybe being a team captain will make her more interesting?

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