Friday, July 27, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 2

Tom's Take:

This week lost a lot of drama with Willie leaving that way, and JoJo and Danielle playing the who can campaign less technique. The real drama on the feeds that CBS completely missed was the Cold War between Team Boogie and Team Janelle as they prepare for their massive Eight Is Enough alliance to be broken up. I'm going to grade the players as if the coaches aren't entering the game, even though I think they are, so here we go.


Strategy: 0
Social: 40
Show: 60
Awards: N/A

Britney lost two players in one week. That's terrible, but at least she has her star player in Shane, and now that he's won HoH, at least he can start building something. I just hope she doesn't repeat her week 1 HoH itis.


Strategy: 20
Social: 10
Show: 50
Awards: N/A

A surprisingly boring exit from the Staten Island Ferry. She had a good case to stay over Danielle and Dan this week, but she just annoyed people too much for them to think clearly and make a rational move. At least it wasn't unanimous, and she left with more class than Willie. Is she going to limbo now? What is CBS planning with their twist?


PoV: 30/30.
Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 50
Awards: N/A

Shane has now made himself the #1 target by winning all but one competition he's competed in. You can't win everything though, and as soon as Shane loses a veto he'll be out the door. Still it is fun to see someone playing the "must win to stay in the game"  strategy. It's not a very good playing style, and he himself is boring,  but it makes for some interestingish TV.


 Strategy: 0.
Social: 0
Show: 80
Awards: Worst Move for head butting Joe and getting expelled from the game.

Honestly, he wasn't even exciting with his expulsion, though CBS tried to pump that for all it was worth. I gave more points for Ashley and Ian's fake date. What a terrible player.


 Strategy: 80
Social: 50
Show: 85
Awards: N/A

Boogie was very active in planning for his Cold War with Janelle, and did a good job scooping up Shane to target Janelle's players. He was arrogant though, both in his terrible  Coach Comp move, and in underestimating Janelle, who had already struck in getting Danielle on to her team.


Strategy: 70
Social : 80
Show: 110
Awards: N/A

I'm officially Team Ian I think. His social awkwardness of Week 1 is forgotten, and he's well on his way to being the most popular person in the house. He's certainly one of the most entertaining. I loved his fake date with Ashley, and he had a great one line about boarding the Staten Island Ferry. I almost gave him the Best DR of the week, and he had some tough competition.


Strategy: 70
Social: 80
Show: 15
Awards:  N/A

She's playing a very good under the radar game, but she's also really boring.


HoH: 120/100. (Yeah, I know, but he got 2 people out with one HoH, that gets him bonus points.)
Strategy: 80
Social: 90
Show: 70
Awards: N/A

I really like Frank, and I think he's playing one of the best games in the house. I don't think he's going to make jury though, because he's such a big threat.


Duck: 50 points. (She put Britney's team on Have Nots which sent Willie over the edge.)
Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 60
Awards: N/A

I don't know why all the girls trash Janelle behind her back, but all I see is her being nice to them. She is playing the best Coach Game in my opinion, even though she's ironically leading a team of floaters.


Strategy: 80
Social: 70
Show: 30
Awards: N/A

It is a shame that Wil is not getting enough air time, because he's really entertaining on the feeds. He's playing a very solid game, although I think he is starting to be seen as something of a social threat.


Strategy: 90
Social: 50
Show: 20
Awards: Best move for getting headbutted to get Willie out.

I hate Joe's DR's, and I think his social game has been found out and will be used against him, but I think he's playing the game pretty aggressively which I like. For the record, Willie fucked himself, so Joe does not deserve the blame he's getting.


Strategy: 50
Social: 80
Show: 130
Awards: Safest Player, Best DR's

CBS caught on to how funny Ashley is this week and gave us some comedy gold with her. Her game sort of exploded on her this week though, when she cried to Jenn of all people about how she wished she had voted to keep Kara. She recovered though, and she's in good with Danielle, Shane, and I've even heard Boogie talk about how he wants her in the final 4.


Strategy: 60
Social: 70
Show: 75
Awards: N/A

Dan throwing the Coach Comp almost horribly backfired when the prime target Willie got expelled from the game, but he managed to keep his head down and win the game of not campaigning, and also winning both Janelle and Boogie's trust. It will be highly protested but I believe Dan will have a strong shot of being the first two time Big Brother winner.


Strategy: 60
Social: 90
Show: 80
Awards: Projected Winner

I'm probably the only one projecting Danielle to win, and the only one who likes her on the feeds, but I don't care! She won the "non-campaigning" battle, and made serious inroads with Janelle's team. She's in the same spot as Dan was in BB10, and with him as her coach she has a really strong shot at this.

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Frank: 450
2. Janelle: 340

3. Ashley: 310
4. Wil: 310

5. Ian: 260
6. Jenn: 255
7. Danielle: 230
8. Joe: 230
9. Shane: 215
10. Dan: 210
11. Boogie: 200
12. Britney: 100
13. JoJo: 65
14. Willie: 30
15. Kara: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Willie: 380
2. Ian: 230
3. Boogie: 175
4. Frank: 145
5. Britney: 140
6. Ashley: 140

7. Dan: 125
8. Danielle: 125

9. Janelle: 110
10. Shane: 80
11. Wil: 70
12. JoJo: 65
13 Joe: 55
14. Jenn: 16
15. Kara: 10

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