Monday, June 18, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Glass House Episode 1

Tom Reviews Glass House Episode 1:

That was actually a lot of fun. I like the way the  captains had to volunteer/were chosen beforehand. Is that  how it's always going to be? I thought we picked the captains. As it is, this could result in some interesting drama.Overall, I enjoyed this episode quite a bit, so let's get to character reviews.

I award 10 points to the East point for crushing that competition!

1. Andrea:  5 points. So she's Mormon. That's all I got  from her. I guess she was the first victim of Alex' antics, so that will probably get her some sympathy. Maybe she'll do well by getting the Mormon vote?

2. Alex:  37 points. He's promising a lot. I think he should get voted out soon, but not yet. Let's see if he stands up to what he's promising. I do like his self awareness of what he's doing. It adds an interesting element to the whole idea. Sort of like how in Hunger Games, the Careers acted like bad asses.  I hope this plays out well, and not like BB1 did.

3. Robin.  13 points. I hope we get rid of her quickly. I don't like her at all. I think as soon as she is put in limbo that she'll be voted out. Hopefully she'll play strategically and keep herself away from it.

4. Apollo.  15 points. Interesting card strategy. Is this like Survivor's famous Alphabet strategy? Is there more here than meets the eye? I don't think so. I think he's mostly just a douche.

5. Ashley.  5 points. Not much to say. I have no idea what she's up to.

6. Erica.  3 points. I'm disappointed so far. Is she fatter than I'm seeing? I don't get the fat jokes to be honest. On the feeds and in her bio she seemed funny. I hope that comes out on the show.

7. Stephanie. 17 points. She rocked  that challenge. She seems really smart, and if this game was more strategic I think she would do pretty well. As it is, I don't know. Do people appreciate geeky women?

8. Jacob.  He left the game. Whoops.

9. Gene.  11 points. I like him.

10. Mike. 15 points. The bunny killer actually came off as likable in this first episode. I guess only the live feeders will know about his dark past.

11.  Kevin.  11 point. Too jefflike. America could easily vote for him to win, but this will be boring.

12. Joy.  25 points. She's hot! She also hates Alex, which hopefully turns into an interesting fight when he returns from limbo. Also she appears to be slutty, so can't wait to see her showmance.

13. Jeffrey.  20 points. He's fun. He's fat. He's gay! He's pretty cool, and he helped lead his team to victory. Does he get anything for that?

14. Holly. 20 points. She's also hot! And she's in the game instead of that other chick? Interesting.

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