Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Glass House Preview

Tom's Take

Glass House appears to be ABC taking the original Big Brother premise and rebooting it, although with less prize money. Now I've never seen the first Big Brother, but it always seemed boring to me, so I'm going into this wearily.

If I'm understanding the format correctly, the most popular player will win regardless of any strategy. I'm not impressed, but let's take a look at the contestants.

1. Andrea:  She seems boring, but that would probably get her far in this format. My guess is that she turns out to go crazy in the middle of the season, and gets promptly booted. Seventh Place.

2. Alex: Is it me, or does this guy look like Eli Manning? I think America will like him at first, but then quickly get pissed off at his overconfidence. Twelfth Place.

3. Robin. She claims everyone in the house is under 25, which they're not. She seems old and dumb, and her profession is blogger. Clearly a bad sign. Fourteenth place.

4. Apollo. I hate you already, but you'll luck your way through one week. Thirteenth place.

5. Ashley. Spunky. I think America is going to fall in love with you, but something will get in the way of you winning. Third Place.

6. Erica. Her favorite color is Glitter, and if no one else is than at least she has me as a fan. She is going to do terrible, but I predict TV magic. Eleventh place.

7. Stephanie. You describe what sounds like a decent Big Brother strategy, but I don't know how that will work in this game. You look like the real life and thus far less attractive Annie Edison, but I think your geek thing will win people over. Fifth place.

8. Jacob. Meh. Tenth place.

9. Gene. Black people are in these days. Gene is my pick to win it all.

10. Mike. The old Irish Guy will go far, but then make a racist comment that ruins everything. Sixth place.

11.  Kevin. This guy reeks likeability. He could very easily win. Second place.

12. Joy. I actually think this girl is really cute, but I think bad luck is going to ruin her. And jealous bitches. Ninth place.

13. Jeffrey. I can't see his video for some reason. I'm guessing he's a likeable fat man. Fourth Place.

14. Melissa. From this one photo which is all I can get of her, she looks a little like Juliet from Psych with crazy hair. Not sure how that plays. Eighth place.

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