Thursday, April 5, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 8 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor Season 24 Episode 8 "Just Annihilate Them"

That was a really good episode of Survivor. It had everything a good episode of Survivor should have: strong character development, fun challenges with a great come from behind win, some good gameplay, some bad gameplay, and a blindside. Awesome.

Yes, the blindside was a result of Mike having no clue, but isn't that the best kind?

So let's get into Player rankings. First off, 10 points to my player of the week. Jay! Even though he ultimately didn't get his way tonight, the game's not over yet, and there are moves to be made.

1. Kim (94 points.): Kim finally takes the lead over Sabrina after trailing her for quite a while. Seriously though, Kim is playing the best game on the Island, and fully deserves the win I forsee her getting. Now, personally I think her attempt to convince Troyzan that Mike was coming after him was a little heavy handed, but hey, it seemed to work. Now, I really hope she doesn't stick to this all girls alliance, because that would mean the next few episode will be really boring, but at the same time I can't really blame her if that's what she does. I do however, forsee or at least hope that she has to pull out the immunity idol soon. Things could get intense!

2. Sabrina (91 points.): Sabrina is playing a very straight forward game. To me, it seems like she's planning on the final three being her, Kim, and Chelsea. That's fine I suppose, but it's kind of boring. Could she win this way? Probably, if the jury likes her best, but it won't be from having the best gameplay.

3. Jay (76 points.): First off, congrats on pulling out that come from behind win. That was awesome. I awarded 15 points for that instead of my usual 10 for an immunity win. I've also got to give you props for clearly seeing  what needs to be done strategically, and seemingly pursuing that. You failed, and it was a tribal council late for you to be thinking about the guys sticking together, but there you go. Now the preview for next week's episode made it seem like you are going to pull of a good blind side, so I naturally assume that ISN'T going to happen, and that instead you will be going home. You are the next strongest guy realistically, but here's hoping you can pull something off. I've really grown to like you lately, and want to see you make a go of it.

4. Troyzan (69 points.): Hidden Immunity Idol war! Seriously, that Immunity Idol is going to see some use soon, judging from his situation which is growing more and more precarious. It's time to step up Troyzan! Enough with all the arrogant boasting, you need to make a move!

5. Chelsea (66 points.):  I think there might be a bit of a romantic energy between her and Jay. She seems more connected to him than the other girls are. I'm hopeful of this, since I like seeing upheaval. Seriously though, telling Jay about the Mike blindside was dumb. Doing it in front of Alicia and Christina was dumber. Bad Gameplay. But great character development. The feud with Tarzan over your boob job and supposed hatred of plastic surgeons was funny. You're sitting pretty at final three right now, unless there's a shakeup.

6. Leif (50 points): Did he celebrate too much? Yes, but c'mon. He finally won something! And he made it through the episode, and seemed to slip pretty far away from the chopping block.  I have no idea why he voted for Mike. Tarzan didn't. Did Troyzan tell Leif how to vote, or was that just Leif disliking Mike. Either way, I think he's managed to sneak into a place where I'd guess he gets 8th place, wheras last week I was sure he would get 11th. Did he do anything to deserve that? Not really. But he'll take it!

7. Mike (47 points): Continually getting points from his challenge performances; I never liked Mike all that much. He had a one dimensional grasp on the game.

8. Alicia (46 points): Remember when I thought Alicia would be an all-star? Well, not anymore. She is clearly not the brains of the women alliance, which makes me curious about her voting for Tarzan. Did Kim have her do that so the guys wouldn't suspect the girls being an alliance? If so, that was an interesting move on Kim's part. I see Alicia as just being her pawn at this point, though.

9. Christina (45 points): Your name is just going to come up a lot from here on out. On the preview I saw Jay approaching you for a vote. If that happens, I hope you take it. You are the 6th member of the women alliance, and you need an upgrade. Now, Tarzan will probably fuck up the guys' chances of recruiting you, but here's hoping! Don't be the girl at the bottom who doesn't make a move. You actually still have a shot in this game some how. Take it!

10. Kat (38 points): That preview where Jay was asking for your vote almost made me give you bonus points. Kat has a chance at this game if she plays it. She seems to be 4th place in her alliance, so there's room for her to make a move. Here's hoping! Other than that, I'm starting to like Kat. "Rantics" was a perfect made up word to describe what Tarzan does.

11. Tarzan (7 points): If you confess in your interview that you are trying to be the guy that everyone wants to bring to the end because they think they can beat you, I'll award you 100 points. Otherwise...
No, Chelsea does not dislike you because you're a plastic surgeon. Believe me. That has nothing to do with it.

That Preview really raised my hopes. They're going to be disappointed aren't they?

Oh well, this was still a great episode.

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