Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 41 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost Season 2 Episode 17 "Lockdown"

I see that Locke being happy is clearly not a priority for the writers of Lost. I realize that this is a massive understatement, but I thought I'd just get that out of the way now.

I guess I'll spend this review talking about my thoughts of Locke in general, rather than about events in the episode specifically.

But to recap other events. Jack dominates Sawyer in cards, Sayid continues his obsessed hatred of Henry and the others, and the survivors find some Dharma food which makes survival on the Island seem to be continually easier and easier.

Alright now let's talk Locke.

My problem with Locke as a character, is that his most defining character trait appears to be his obsessive personality.  He can't move on with his relationship with Helen, because he is obsessed with his father's betrayal of him. I would get it if Locke's anger was preventing him from moving on, but it seems like the obsessiveness itself is an inherent trait in Locke. That's why he couldn't move on from the Hatch, which is ultimately what got Boone killed.

The problem with Locke's flaw being his obsessiveness, is that the show isn't challenging that flaw. Kate's flaw is trusting other people, Sawyer's flaw is allowing people to like him, Jin's flaw was his chauvinism, and all of them are forced to fix that flaw in themself on the Island. Locke has not had to let go of anything he was obsessing about. Whenever he was close to doing so, he was rewarded for his continuing obsession with the Hatch suddenly lighting up or some such nonsense.

I miss the aspect of Locke that was just overwhelmed by the miracle of the Island. Why does he have to doubt that? Why does he have to question it? It doesn't fit with his whole Man of Faith persona.

What are the mystic symbols about? What is in the middle? Is the Dharma Initiative going to still be active there?

I'm curious about the development of the relationship between Henry and Locke. I personally don't believe the Others are evil or whatever, so I think that relationship is going to open up the way to more positive meetings with them. Or they'll want revenge for the survivors torturing Henry. One or the other.

Review: 8 out of10 hands of poker.

I'll try and write more for the next episode,  but these Locke episodes sort of depress me. I guess qualitatively  they're pretty good, but I'm really sort of out of love with Locke at this point, so I'm not a huge fan of them. Sorry about this lame review, I hope I pointed out something interesting about the flaws of Locke as a character, and that it wasn't just the babbling I imagine it to be.

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