Thursday, April 5, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off The Air TV: Lost Episode 42 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 18 "Dave"

An episode that focuses on the Hurley/Libby relationship. Great....

So we begin with Hurley sucking at jogging. Seriously, with all the crazy nonsense going on with the polar bears, and the smoke monster, and the Others this is the least of anyone's worries, but alas, Hurley has angst!

Hurley's hording food, because he's fat and that's what us fat people do, but Libby still seems smitten with him.

Okay, is it really just me who feels like the Libby/Hurley relationship is not at all romantic seeming. It just feels like she's motherly towards him, so it comes off really weird to me.

Of course Libby is quite possibly a lunatic, but we'll get to that later.

Why does everyone trust Hurley with the food? He's fat, and us fatties steal food. That's the first rule of anything.

In case you can't tell, that's sarcasm by the way. They should have a special print for sarcastic talk. I just disliked this whole plot of Hurley stealing the food. It's dumb, and a waste of Hurley. He should be focused on more interesting problems, or dealing with the depression of being separated from his mom. Why does no one seem to miss anyone from home?

Or how about we deal with the fact that Hurley sees imaginary people?

Yeah, so Dave is poorly used in this episode since all he ends up being is a manifestation of Hurley's self loathing. Yes, that's me quickly summarizing a mental plot, deal with it!

The whole idea of Hurley really being crazy is kind of cool though. I did also love the metaness of Hurley thinking the whole situation was in his head. I'm not sure who the first person to come up with that plot is, but at the very least, Buffy did it Normal Again in season 6. How much do the Lost writers rip off Buffy?

I would have loved to see Hurley just go completely insane, and have to have the other islanders deal with him, rather than restrain this whole plot to Libby. Maybe that's something for Season 3? Like Hurley could become more attuned to the Island, but it could cost him his sanity making him into a sort of Oracle like person. I guess that would be ripping off a similar plot from Anders in Battlestar Galactica. Boy, I'm just full of spoilery references today, aren't I?

Locke's leg is going to heal just fine, because this is a magical Island.

Kate is still hot. I wish she would somehow go skinny dipping or something. I realize that's exploitative, and I'm a horrible misogynist and a pig, but still. This show needs some sex!
Sayid continues to be utterly merciless in his treatment of "Henry," and I'm not sure we can believe anything Henry says about the Others. He's too smart, too calculating for that.

So Echo's building a church. I would like to see this show become them building a settlement, but I feel like the writers abandoned this angle, so I'm skeptical.

Okay, Hurley beating on Sawyer was fun. Hurley is the only one I think has a right to that. This was the only scene in the episode that was redemptive of all the crap it dumped on fat people.

"We're people too!" "If you prick me, do I not bleed?"

Sawyer and Kate, just get it on already.

Anna Lucia is kind of a bad ass. I wish she would step up as part of the love square already. Let's get some melodrama up in here!

Henry is a creepy mother fucker. But I have no idea whether anything he says is the truth.

Hurley's mind tries to convince him to kill himself, but Libby saves him. Aw...

Except then the writers throw us a twist.

Libby was in the same mental institution as Hurley!

Nice Twist.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10 meta eps.

That's a higher rating that this review implies I would give this episode. I think most of my complaints are just me being grumpy to be honest. The Dave plot line was interesting, (what's the name of the actor who played Dave? He's in Sex and the City, and Californication too.) And the Libby twist at the end was fun. I just wish it hadn't played on the loathed horded food story line. I also wish I liked Hurley/Libby, but I really don't. Hopefully the new twist will add something there though. When do we get a Libby episode?    

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