Monday, April 9, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 43 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 19 "SOS"

So we finally get our Rose and Bernard episode. Was it everything I hoped it would be? Well that's a tough question. I enjoyed it, but it didn't blow me away.It left me satisfied, but it didn't transcend that. And meanwhile, everyone else in this episode is kind of annoying to me, so this episode wasn't anything special in my book.

To start with we have Bernard and Rose starting the episode arguing over really petty things seemingly, but underneath that is the conflict that Bernard wants to leave the Island, and Rose has just accepted her fate. Of course underneath this is the truth that the Island has actually saved Rose, and I just love that as soon as Bernard hears that he immediately gives up on any plan to leave. I love that. That was a beautiful moment that was totally deserved in this episode.

My complaint with this episode doesn't have anything to do with  Bernard and Rose. Their love story is kind of beautiful. No, not kind of. It is beautiful. I like the awkwardness of the two of them flirting with each other in the snow. These two people are both grown up mature adults, and yet somehow even this late in life, they have managed to find some happiness with each other. It's beautiful, it's simple, and it's pure. Thank you, Lost writers.

Of course then we have the more complicated characters and issues to deal with.

Oh good. Locke has something new to obsess over. I was worried. Now he can spend time wondering what the hell the mysterious symbols mean. I'm going to just go out and guess that the answers will lead to more questions.

Henry continues to be spooky, even though he's supposed to be the captive.

Why the hell is Walt so important to the Others?

Bernard lists a whole bunch of new names, but I'm too lazy to keep track of them anymore. I think when I'm done with the series, I'm just going to look on wikipedia to find out who all the survivors were.

Kate and Sawyer continue to hang out exclusively with each other it seems. Aren't they supposed to hate each other right now? Oh, who knows. Let's just get an orgy going, and work all this sexual tension out. Oh don't hate me, I'm just joking. Much better that everyone just continue to point guns at each other than have unconventional sexual habits. God forbid that.

"I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick." Haha. Comic gold with Bernard and Echo.

Oh look. Jack and Kate are forced into another sexually tense moment.

Okay, so that's hot. We're all agreed. But...

It's time for me to bitch about how the writers are sucking with Kate, and how in general women are poorly used in fiction, science fiction and fantasy in particular.

Kate is a better shot than Jack. End of story. That Jack makes the shot in this episode, that Kate doesn't pisses me off.

Okay, that wasn't much of a rant. Just imagine it though. There's been a lot of them on the internet. Go find one and read it.

Seriously. Kate's skills have been seriously downgraded. She should be much more of a bad ass than Jack. He's a doctor,with no shooting experience. She's a bad ass convict, and has a history of shooting people.

Ugh. I don't care for most feminist rants, but c'mon. This is just bad continuity at this point.

Okay, I still enjoy the scene. It was hot, and the arguing between them is charming. I'm never going to argue that they don't have good chemistry.

Bernard yelling at Jin was hilarious.

Locke and Rose know what's up with the Island. Yeah. It magically heals people. No biggie.

Kate sharing the Claire adventure and Jack not knowing about it was hilarious. The good guys have stopped talking to each other.

"I'm sorry I kissed you."

Yes Kate. Because getting kissed by you is clearly awful...


For some reason I feel like it's been several months since I've seen him...

Rating 8.5 out of 10 massive signs.

For some reason I gave this a 7 out of 10 in my notes, but when I was rewatching it to do this review, I just kept thinking things were much better than that. If Jack had missed the shot, and Kate had made it, I think I would have given this a 9 or a 9.5. It was really quite good. Maybe in the heat of the moment I took off more points for Kate missing? I don't know. Maybe.

Anyways, I'd like to apologize for the irregularity of my posting of late. Spring Break came, and I got way lazy. I'll try to be better in the future, and get to a more consistent posting rate.

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