Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 44 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost Season 2 Episode 20 "Two for the Road"

Fuck Michael.

Wow. I don't have much more to say than that. Jesus.

Okay, let's try and say something else. Let's start at the beginning. This is an Anna Lucia Episode...

Anna Lucia spirals into a depression in her flashback, that sort of bleeds into her actions in the present day. In a moment of weakness she lets herself be caught by Henry. Wait, is that why Henry got himself caught in the first place? So he could kill Anna Lucia?

Did everyone meet Christian at some point in their life?

Is Christian Claire's father?

Why the fuck did Christian call Anna Lucia Sarah? Did he sleep with Jack's wife?

Is anything Henry says true?

Hurley makes a Say Anything reference!

Sawyer gets some action! And it was pretty hot. But it wasn't with Kate...

Don't trust Michael Jack! He's an asshole!

Hurley and Libby go on a date. Poor Libby...

Mike describes the Others as sucking. I think he might be telling a partial truth.  Of course I don't really trust a word this asshole says.

I like that Locke and Jack keep switching opinions. They always seem to be on opposite ends of whatever debate they're having.

Why would Jack burn a perfectly good manuscript? Douchebag. Let Sawyer read if he wants to.

Anna Lucia goes crazy and almost kills Henry. If only she had...

But instead...

Fuck you Michael.

Rating 9 out of 10 shocking betrayals.

I don't think Michael can come back from this. That's a bold choice, I just hope it pays off.

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