Thursday, March 15, 2012

Five Drinks Into a Wednesday Night Rewatch: Dexter Episode 6 (I)

Sorry about being late on this one!

Tom Rewatches Dexter Season 1 Episode 6 "Return to Sender"

Major Spoilers Ahead.

This episode is interesting to me having seen Season 2, in that I wonder if this episode was the inspiration for them deciding to having Dexter himself be the Big Bad of the next season, or if that was already preplanned, and this episode was just examining what the season would be like, or if I'm just swinging at windmills here.

This episode really sets up what Season 2 will be diving into, and that's the psychological tension of Dexter having to be around the police officers that are actually hunting him down. I don't think this episode does as good a job of it as Season 2 does, mostly because it ends up being a bit of a misdirect.  Dexter isn't actually in any real danger in this episode, because of course Rudy doesn't really want him to be caught.

Actually, to be honest I'm not a huge fan of this episode. The whole Laguerta plot with the little boy is sort of annoying, although I did find it funny that he ended up drawing Jesus. And having seen Season 2, I wasn't all that interested in THIS prelude to what we'll be seeing there.

Having seen a bunch of Lost really, I'm sort of missing that format of having an entire episode devoted to one character. I feel like this would have been a Laguerta episode, and we could have seen a whole bunch of her backstory. Wrong show I guess.

Wow. The writers were really sort of pushing a Doakes/Deb thing. That actually makes me really disappointed in how little she seems to care about Doakes' death in Season 2. I guess they just sort of gave up on it.

I hate Paul. I don't really have anything else to say about him. He's actually sort of boring to me in retrospect. He feels like sort of a cliche character.

The best thing about this episode were the flashbacks to Deb and Dexter's childhood, and his weird dream involving her cutting open his face. This is the most important relationship in the series, and I love getting a deeper view of it. This is the relationship that really humanizes Dexter, and its one of the reasons I'm so excited about the upcoming Season 7, because it will have to deal with her discovering that her brother is a killer.

MVP: Deb. I love her getting better at police work, and her relationship with Dexter is crucial to the series for me.

Needs Improvement: Laguerta. Blah.

Kill Count:  In Flashbacks he killed a sniper, an arsonist, and a black widow.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

Favorite Quote: "That's it. No more doughnuts for Masuka."

Bonus Points:

.5 points for the Blood Rain in Dexter's nightmare.
1 point for Deb turning the tables on Dexter in his nightmare.

Total: 8.5 points.

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