Thursday, March 15, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 33 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 9 "What Kate Did"

Jack and Kate kissed in this episode. The End.

Okay. Not really. I mean that's not really the end. They really did kiss. And it was awesome, and then Kate ran away, and I don't think we're ever going to get to see it addressed. Ugh. I'm back on Team Jack though. Although, I refuse to call it Team Jack. Ugh, I hate shipping. Yet I also can't help myself. Damn my addiction to love triangles!

So we finally get to learn what Kate did to start the crazy manhunt for her, and it is not what I expected. When she confessed to Sawyer that she had killed a man, I assumed that she meant Tom, but she also apparently killed Wayne. By blowing him up no less. She apparently didn't like the drunk asshole who made a really bad come on to her. Go figure. Also he's her abusive step father. Also, he's apparently her biological father.

Woah. Kate killed her biological father. That's actually really intense.

I'm not sure I like her motivation for killing Wayne though. She killed him because she thought she was like him? Oh, this is the writers explaining her belief that she can never be good, which is why she can't end up with Jack. I love watching her yell at Jack about him being perfect. He is pretty perfect. I don't like that. I guess they can't be together...

Oh no wait! They kissed! They kissed! Did I mention that they kissed?

Although back in love triangle land, Kate won't leave Sawyer's side. And Jack is apparently jealous that Sawyer can pull a bullet out of his shoulder bare handed. Thank you for acknowledging it!

"I love her."

Way to go Sawyer. He's the first one of the three to admit his feelings, even if he was in a delirious state when he did so. I approve. What was with trying to choke Kate out though? Was that supposed to be Wayne possessing him? Or was Kate just going nuts?

There's a big black horse in the jungle? Whatever, not as weird as the god damn polar bears.

Alright, let's take a step away from the love triangle for a moment and talk about the other characters.

Thank you Hurley for pointing out that Bernard was white, and clarifying that I wasn't the only bigot in the audience.

Jin got some action! And he finally got those damn handcuffs off! Those have been bugging me for a while. I hate wearing jewelry or watches, and I couldn't go 40 odd days with that on without going insane.

Oh Dharma Initiative. You are all obviously insane hippies. Let's delve further into your madness!

Is the final episode going to have them find more film strips where the Dharma guy is just like "this is all a dream?"

I'm glad to see more of Locke and Echo together. They're both into all the mystical voodoo, that surely will end up great!

Yeah Michael. The computer that's typing to you on its own accord is a good thing. Sure. That's really Walt on the other end of that. Yeah. Believe that....

Were any other Buffy fans reminded of "I Robot, You Jane" when you saw that?

Oh Jack, thinking women are crazy. Anna Lucia and you are going to get together while Kate hooks up with Sawyer, I'm guessing.

Rating: 9 out of 10 crazy women.

This episode was the best Kate one I think we've gotten. I'm trying to remember if I guess Kate's motivation of not being good before or after it was revealed, but I like that I've got a good handle on her character. I'm ready for her to make a romantic decision though. Kissing Jack randomly, doesn't count. Although it did happen. Kate and Jack did kiss. I just thought I needed to make that clear.

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