Thursday, March 1, 2012

Five Drinks Into Thursday Night TV: A Forgettable Night (I)

Tom Reviews The Office: Season 8 Episode 17 "Test the Store"


That's most of my opinion of this episode. This was a Season 1 like episode, in that it felt like the show hadn't grown in the last 7 seasons.

Andy got beat up by a girl. Um, is there any plot more cliche? Yes, there probably is, but I don't want to give the writers any ideas for future terrible episodes.

Toby was kind of funny in the way that he was promoting completely dirty fighting tactics, but the most funny part about Toby was always how much Michael hated him for no apparent reason. Without that, I don't know if I see much point to Toby's character.

The Sabre store plot seemed like it was trying to be edgy by having bloggers, but instead it seemed horribly outdated. People have been making Fail jokes for like ten years now, it's really not all that funny anymore.

The writers also began a Kathy thread in this episode that went absolutely nowhere. It's like they ended it in the middle, without any type of resolution.

Jim's speech at the end was weird, and it was weird that people liked it. I'm not sure if I consider this funny or not. It was mostly just weird.

Ryan/Dwight/Jim was pretty funny. That's the only reason I'll give this episode any points.

Rating: 4 out of 10.

This episode wasn't horrible in like a "oh my god, my eyes are bleeding" type of way, but it wasn't very funny or interesting. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood because I have to write two papers this weekend, but this episode didn't do it for me. My biggest thought while watching this episode was that I hope Community comes back soon!

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