Thursday, March 1, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 24 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 24 "Exodus (2)"

It's the season 1 finale of Lost on the Island! One more survivor died, but also got a reference to a woman named Tracy, so we now know 20 out of the 44 survivors on the Island!

This was a long episode, and I for the most part really enjoyed it.

Oh Arzt. We hardly knew you.

I love that Arzt refers to the main characters as a "clicque" and goes on a mad rant about how they act like the rest of the survivors aren't people. It's the writers' way of hanging a lantern on the whole concept that we don't get to interact with half of the survivors.

Then Arzt was blown up while lecturing them all on the proper way to handle dynamite. That was brutal and very inappropriately funny.

The Black Rock was a fucking slave ship?

The debate over who should carry the dynamite was interesting. In the end Kate doesn't back down, but Jack just overrules her and puts the dynamite into his backpack anyways. That had nothing to do with any sort of executive decision; that was just Jack caring too much about Kate to risk putting her life in danger.

Did the monster sound somewhat mechanical to anyone else, or was that just me?

Does Locke actually want to die, or does he seriously believe the Island is testing him? We never got any explanation of the light in the hatch. What's up with that? Also, the thing he said about Boone being a sacrifice was the wrong thing. It didn't sit well with me at all.

The crew of the Raft bond over Bob Marley.

I love that the bond between Jin and Michael has grown strong enough for Jin to gift Mr. Paik's watch to him. I wonder why that watch is so important.

Shannon and Sayid seem to be back to their usual fliratitious selves!

Charlie's flashback reminds us that Charlie is a heroin addict. Ugh. Why does there have to be heroin on the Island? Why does Charlie have to steal it? He was bonding with Claire; they were perfect together! This is going to ruin everything!

I forgot to mention that in the last episode Sawyer proved his worth by perfectly constructing the mast. In this episode, he risks his life to save the rudder. I thought for sure that the Raft was going to be sunk somehow in that scene. I never expected them to actually find anybody. Was Michael suspicious of Sawyer over that gun? What did he think Sawyer was planning?

Fuck Danielle for taking Claire's baby. I was hoping Charlie would shoot her.

Claire finally names the baby! Aaron seems like a good strong name. I wonder if she named him after someone, or if the name came to her from the Island!

Claire has faith in Charlie? Were they trying to make it more painful when Charlie sucked? I'm glad that they were able to bring Aaron back to camp, and this didn't get drawn out any longer. I just want that baby to be safe.

The whole gun powder remedy for Charlie's bruise was bad ass. That almost made up for him stealing the heroin. Almost.

How are the survivors getting fire so easily? I feel like this should be something we see addressed. On Survivor, the reality show, getting fire is usually a big deal.

Hurley notices the numbers! I'm glad he wasn't able to stop the explosion though. That would have slowed the plot some more.

The Raft actually found other humans! I was shocked by this! I was not shocked that they were pirates though. I mean look at them. I didn't expect them to take Walt though. Child slavery? How are they going to get him back? And the Raft is destroyed! By the way, were these guys supposed to be the Others? They just seemed like creeps to me.

Are Sawyer and the rest going to wash up on shore unconscious? I kind of want to see them being discovered like that.

And what is at the bottom of the Hatch?

Rating 18 out of 20 giant drops.

Since this episode was twice as long as a normal episode, I rated it out of twice as many points.

Okay so that review wasn't very good. There was just a lot to cover, and I only really touched on each thing a little. The biggest and best part of this episode wasn't really a specific scene, but rather just the collection of scenes of everyone arriving on the plane. We saw what they were like prior to the crash, and we see what they have become after the first season. In my next article I'll do a character ranking, and I'll go over what each of the characters went through this season. In a way this article is just to touch on the plot of this episode, while my next article will discuss the themes and emotion of the episode; because in a way this episode really encapsulated the entire season. That's why I enjoyed it so much.

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