Friday, March 2, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Season 1 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1.

I'm going to quit counting days in Season 2, because that was an exercise in futility.

There were 48 initial crash survivors, and I don't believe the Pilot was counted. Adding in Danielle and Aaron, we get 51 people that have been alive on that Island. 44 are left, and we know 20 of them. Those numbers are 45 and 21 respectively if you count Vincent the Dog, which we will when I get to the rankings in a moment. First I wish to talk about the casualties. There are seven of them.

The Dead:

1. Scott. We never really got to know Scott as an audience. He was commonly mistaken for Steve, and he was killed by Ethan Rom. His death at Ethan's hands justified Charlie murdering Ethan later. Although I think Charlie was justified, because Ethan had taken Claire.

2. Joanne. We only learned her name much later in the season. At least, that was the first time I caught it. She drowned, and Jack was unable to save her because he was distracted by Boone. This cemented my dislike of Boone, which lasted for several episodes.

3. The Pilot. We never learned his name, but he was brutally killed by the Monster in the first episode. The Monster has been scary ever since.

4. Arzt. He was introduced late in the season, to force Michael to speed up launching the Raft. He gave a funny rant about how the main cast doesn't seem to know there are other survivors on the show. Then he was brutally killed in an explosion, while ironically lecturing on the dangers of dynamite. He was a red shirt, but an entertaining one.

5. The Marshall. The Marshall's death was really my favorite thing about him, since I haven't liked him in the flashbacks. He rants too much about Kate. His death has limited the knowledge of Kate being a criminal to only a selected few; or it did until Born to Run when her secret was exposed.

6. Ethan Rom. Our first villain character. Charlie murdered him in retaliation for him kidnapping Claire, and killing Scott. He is one of the mysterious Others, that we have heard about, but are not sure if they are real. His death left us wondering more about them.

7. Boone. The only main character to have died so far, and I qualify him as a main character because he got his own flashback sequence. He was my least favorite character for most of the season, although his character was made more intriguing by his incestuous feelings for Shannon. His death was brutal and rather pointless, which made the effect it had on the other characters are the more hard to watch.

Alright. Now for the 21 living characters. It's time to rank them!

1. Jin. Wow. I never in a million years would have thought that Jin would end up being my favorite character when I first watched the pilot. He seemed like such a dick to Sun, and really I am still annoyed with how he treated her in the first few episodes, but I grew to love Jin starting in the Sun episode where we saw that he was once madly in love with her. It appeared that he had been corrupted by her father, until the episode In Translation. This was far and away my favorite episode of Season One, and it focused on the story of Jin making the wrong choice of who he wanted to be his father. He chose Mr. Paik, and that decision lead to his marriage with Sun being ruined. At the end of the episode he made the right decision by going back to his father and deciding to save his marriage; but it was too late. When he learned that Sun had learned English, he realized that he had lost her, at least for now. Then he did this incredible thing and started to help Michael, his worst enemy at that point, build his Raft. He decided to be a better man, and began bonding with Michael, and even learning English. In Exodus, he finally told Sun he was sorry and that all he wanted to do was rescue her. I couldn't stop crying during that scene; and I can't wait to see the reunion between Jin and Sun.

2. Sawyer. He started out as the belligerent and racist asshole that attacked Sayid. He never really stopped being that guy, but in his flashback we got to understand that this is a man who woke up one day to find out that he was exactly the same as the man who ruined his family's lives. He's jaded and cynical, and completely hysterical. He also has a lot of sexual tension with Kate, and even though I'm still marginally on the Jack/Kate side of the shipper war, I am looking forward to them hooking up. After Confidence Man, Sawyer began making more of an effort to be a part of the Tribe, and I actually really enjoyed their character growth. My heart broke for him a little when he was unable to say goodbye to Kate at the end of the season. I expect that I'm going to flip sides to the Sawyer/Kate ship soon.

3. Shannon. I still love classic Shannon best. She was such an apathetic bitch at the beginning of the season, and I loved her for it. I expect we're going to get more of her backstory independent of Boone, but this season really focused on their relationship. It was kind of gross, but ultimately I felt really bad for her when she lost Boone. Gross or not, he was closer to her than any biological brother could be. I'm also glad that he relationship with Sayid shocked me, and didn't completely disappear at the end of the season. Unfortunately, while I enjoy Shannon's character, I don't know what she will do in Season 2. I'm worried that the writers will kill her off.

4. Charlie. He was once a member of the legendary band DriveShaft! He was also a drug addict, and early on this season I worried that his drug habit would dominate his character. It did not, and instead I grew to love Charlie as this caring guy who was absolutely devoted to his friendship/flirting with Claire. I love these two together, but unfortunately I'm worried that his drug use is about to re-emerge. I hope he doesn't somehow put Aaron in danger. Does anyone know if there's any like medical use for heroin, because otherwise I say they just destroy it all.

5. Claire. The pregnant girl! I thought she was going to be only a minor character with no real point other than to be pregnant. I was wrong, at least to some extent. Obviously her pregnancy and her new motherhood are dominant part of her story, but there's a lot to Claire. I want to know about her family background, and I want to see her continued relationship with Charlie. It's going to be in for a bumpy ride, but I'm all in on them!

6. Jack. It's an ensemble show, but Jack is still the main character. He's a doctor, and from the first episode he stepped into a position of leadership that even though he's struggled with; he's never dropped. I do want to see him fight for this position more, but that's for next season. This season we learned that he has a complicated relationship with his father, that he was married in the past, and that he has undeniable sexual chemistry with Kate. That was apparent from the get go. Unfortunately he hasn't acted on his feelings for Kate, and has instead allowed her to make out with Sawyer on his watch. He's still a little TOO perfect for my tastes, and I hope we continue to unravel some flaws in his character as we move into Season 2.

7. Kate. Kate is hot! She also has chemistry with pretty much everyone in the cast, so she really good hook up with anyone. I think that her relationship with Jack is the most romantic one she has, while her relationship with Sawyer is more sexual. She has shared aspects of herself with both of these men, and their love triangle is a major plot in the series. I grew less and less interested to see her flashbacks as the season went on, but at the same time I grew more and more interested in her reactions with the other characters.

8. Sun. Sun's gardening, herbology knowledge, and her attempts to help Jack make her one of the most useful people on the Island. I really expected her and Jin to be unable to communicate with the rest of the Tribe for the whole series, but I'm glad the writers chose to have her know English instead. It made her the communicator between her husband Jin and the rest of the Tribe. I love that in this season she fought to have more freedom from her husband, but still deeply loves Jin.Their relationship is not perfect, but both of them truly want it to work, and I think that is a beautiful and accurate portrayal of young marriages. This Island has given the two of them the chance to truly work on and improve their relationship. I don't want them to be reunited too soon, because I want to build up to the moment when Sun and Jin get back together.

9. Michael. Seeing his relationship with Walt slowly build; taking two steps forward and one step back, but always moving forward has been a nice element of the series so far. I felt bad for him when he lost Walt at the end of the season. My biggest concern for Michael is that I want him to have more going on than just trying to be a good father. I loved finding out that Michael had experience building and designing, and I want to see him take an active hand in helping to construct this new society. I think in Season 2, he is going to give up on trying to leave the Island, and instead focus on making the best life he can for him and his son. I would also like to see him get a romantic interest that is not Suny.

10. Sayid. I feel like Sayid is Arab because the writers want a forum to address the public's racism and fear. I admire this, but I shouldn't be feeling like that's his purpose. I rather like Sayid, and I really hope he ends up with Shannon in the end. I just don't want him to be a tool used to address current events by the writers. I want his character to deal with personal issues and feelings independent of him being Arab.

11. Locke. Locke dropped far in these rankings, and that is mostly a result of his actions in the last few episodes of the season. I genuinely liked him in the beginning of the season, and thought his legs being restored was really cool. I did not like his obsession with the Hatch though. I wanted to see more episodes where he was out hunting, and I did not appreciate him being distracted by the stupid Hatch. More and more he's taking on an antagonistic role within the camp, and I can't help but somewhat blame him for Boone's death. I want him to decide that the Island is not a good thing in Season 2, and start instead working on ways to fight it. Locke as a bad ass I can get behind.

12. Vincent the Dog. Dogs are cool.

13. Walt. Is Walt the anti-Christ? I'm serious. There's something off with this boy. I enjoy watching Michael try to prove to Walt that he's a good father, but other than that I'm not terribly interested in what happens to him. I hope they make him more likable in Season 2.

14. Hurley. I've started to find Hurley funny, but I still don't particularly enjoy him. His character feels shallow in comparison with a lot of the others.

15. Aaron. Claire's baby! I only know that he enjoys the sound of Sawyer's voice, but that already endears me to the little guy.

16.  Rash Guy. He had a rash. I still don't know his name.

17. Tracy. Sawyer read her message in a bottle in Exodus (2.)

18. Steve. He is commonly confused with Scott, and he is mentioned to be close with Tracy.

19. Lance. He's the red headed guy.

20. Rose. She is convinced that her husband who was in the tail end of the plane is still alive. She appears to also be very religious. I don't get why we haven't seen more of her character. She seems to have disappeared near the end of the season.

21. Danielle. She's batshit crazy. We discovered that she is the one behind the mysterious transmission that Sayid had uncovered, and then she showed up later in the season to once more warn about the Others. I believe the Others are real, and I think that the sickness she described her crew getting is also real. I still think she's mental though, and I think she's going to continue to be a problem in Season 2.

Now it's time for me to make some predictions for Season 2. I'll make 21, since that's the number of people I know.

1. Kate will have sex with someone. She will be romantically involved with someone else by the end of the season.

2. Michael and Walt will be reunited by the end of the season.

3. By the end of Season 2, over a year will have been spent on the Island.

4. Shannon will die.

5. Charlie will use drugs. Claire will find out about it, and it will hurt their relationship.

6.  Jin and Sun will get back together.

7. Three survivors whose names we previously didn't know will die.

8. We will have an episode without flashbacks.

9. Rose will have an episode dedicated to her.

10. Danielle will die.

11. Jin will be able to have a conversation in English by the end of the season.

12.We won't see the Monster.

13. DriveShaft will be mentioned at least 15 more times.

14. People will forget about the Raft, and no one will mention building another boat at all in the second half of the season.

15. We will meet more of the Others.

16. There will be another mysterious location on the Island to find and explore.

17. There will be a shortage of something, that the survivors need to find.

18. Someone will challenge Jack's authority, and claim a leadership role. (Hopefully Sawyer.)

19. Aaron will NOT get abducted again.

20. Vincent the Dog will discover something important or mysterious.

21. There will be a jaguar or a panther attack on the Island.

Anyways. It's time for me to start Season 2!

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