Monday, March 19, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 35 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 11 "The Hunting Party"


That's what I shouted when the bearded Other showed up and told Jack it was time for them to have a chat. The Others are real, and they are Legion!

Let's go back a bit though. Let's talk about Michael.

Okay, so in this episode Michael has gone completely nuts. I get it. Walt's been taken by the Others, and he wants to get his son back. But why go alone? He has people in the camp who want to go with him. Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, and Jin would all go with him to face the Others, so why? Not only that, but he risked the entire world, possibly, by locking Locke and Jack up so they couldn't push the button. That's dangerous, possibly, but it's clear that Michael doesn't care. So where is he going? Where has the evil computer sent him off to? Is this another Dharma Initiative plot?

Why is Sawyer a part of the Hunting Party? He's barely healed; in fact the only reason he was around to find out about all of this was because he needed to change his bandages. He's a badass. He literally pulled a bullet out of his shoulder with his bare hands. (I know I keep harping on this, but no one seems to give him enough credit for this move!) Yet he clearly slowed the Hunting Party down. Did he want revenge on the Others? Sure, but you don't need to bring him along with you. He's not even very good at tracking.

Locke makes some good points in this episode. I think he would gladly join Michael in his quest to get Walt back, but...

"Who are we to tell anyone what they can or can't do?"

It's a good point. On the Island, Jack has stepped up as the leader of the Tribe, but they don't have any real authority over each other. If Michael wants to run off on a suicidal mission, then he has the right to do so unfortunately.

Why is Locke suddenly asking Sawyer about his name? Was this just Locke trying to get under Sawyer's skin, or is there a point to his question?

Damnit Sun, why can't you let Jin play with the other boys? Okay, I get it. He was in a lot of danger and you are worried about him. I also like the twist that she pretty much came right out and told Jin that she felt controlled by him during their marriage, and this was a form of payback. But why can't you just let him go? What, do you think they're going to run into the Others or something?

Jack's flashback did a lot to basically summarize what we already know of Jack's character. His marriage with Sarah ultimately fails, because he wasn't there enough for her. He was always trying to fix things, and couldn't just accept the way things were. This is an amazing trait to have in a doctor, but it's not what you want in a husband. You want someone who is there for you, no matter what. Even if you're not broken.

Speaking of broken people...

Once again we have an episode where Kate and Sawyer are flirting in front of Jack, and he ends up treating her badly. I think that his main motivation for forcing Kate to stay behind though is that he cares about her. He  isn't able to say so, mostly because he knows Sawyer loves her, and thinks that she returns those feelings. Damnit, I wish he could just make a move.

Anyways, I felt really bad for Kate for getting in the way. She feels terrible, and I think this is only going to add to her general sentiment that she's not good enough for Jack. Little does she know that Jack has an inferiority complex after not being able to live up to his own "miracle man" reputation.

Libby and Hurley apparently are gonna have a thing...

Anna Lucia ends up with Vincent the Dog!

Okay the best thing about this episode was Jack going to Anna Lucia and talking about training an army. Oh boy!

Rating: 9.5 out of 10 "Other" ambushes.  

Okay, we still don't know what the Others want with children, but we know that they consider this Island to be "theirs," and we know that Jack is prepared to fight them for it. Oh this is going to be good! This episode did a good job of building up the tension for the season, and also continuing to tease us all with the love triangle. This season has found its groove, and I can't wait any longer to watch the next episode, so I'm off!

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