Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 36 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 12 "Fire + Water"

I'm not going to like Charlie again for a long time, am I? I'm still not sure whether he's using drugs or not, though I'm going to say that he's not, but he might as well be.

So I hated Charlie's actions in this episode, but I loved the dream sequences themselves. They were both really weird and all over the place. Was the Christmas scene in the beginning part/flashback, or was that all dream? Did Charlie's mother really put the family's hope on Charlie's music career? That seems an odd thing for a mother to do, but I guess he really is talented.

Another thing that amazed me about this episode was how functional a drug addict Charlie seemed. Maybe that was just because in comparison to his brother Liam, he had his act together. Or maybe he didn't really lose his shit until after his brother stole his piano.

Okay, Liam is the worst older brother ever. He probably ends up being a good father, because he was willing to clean up his act, but he got clean completely at his brother's expense. It's bad enough that he's partially to blame for Charlie's drug habit in the first place, but he also completely screws him out of his piano?

So is Charlie's obsession with Aaron him feeling bad for not getting to have a family like Liam did? What happened to Charlie's mother? I feel like that's probably going to be the key to the next flashback of Charlie's since I think him wanting to have a family is a big part of his character.

The other important aspect of Charlie's character is his belonging to DriveShaft! the most hilarious thing about this episode. Okay, so I probably should have thought the baby music video was stupid, but I ended up just thinking it was really funny. By the way, I just got this picture, and are those polar bears in the crib with them? How often are polar bears going to show up? Are we going to find out that this is all some elaborate Polar Bear scheme? Are the Others really Polar Bears that can turn into people? Wow. I said that thinking that would be a ridiculous joke, but I actually would find that kind of cool.

Okay, now back to Charlie being an insane lunatic. To sum up what he did in this episode.

1. Kidnap the baby, and then claim he was just sleepwalking.

2. Ramble on about his crazy ass dreams, to pretty much guarantee that everyone would think he was using again.

3. Once everyone decides they can't trust Charlie, he decides to start a fire that endangers everyone's lives.

4. Kidnap Aaron again, and try and baptize him in the ocean.

5. Look really angry at the end of the episode.

So yeah, I'm not a big fan of Charlie's actions in this episode. I do sort of agree with him randomly yelling about everyone else being allowed to have crazy vision quests and things, but he just went about everything the wrong way. And he burned down Echo's trees! Echo liked those trees!

I have no real opinion about Claire deciding to get herself and Aaron baptized at the end of this episode. I personally don't believe in baptism, but I have no problem with those who do, and I understand Claire not wanting to be separated from her baby.

Everyone should give that a listen, but not if they're afraid of getting a song stuck in their heads that pops up whenever anyone mentions Baptism.

Are Locke and Claire going to hook up? I really hope not. I hated Tigh and Six getting together in Battlestar Galactica, and for some reason I think Locke and Claire would be even grosser. I hope its more of a father/daughter role between the two of them.

Locke beating up Charlie was pretty cool. I like the idea of these two as enemies.

Okay, now for the non-Charlie aspects of this episode.

"You hitting that?" Thank you Anna Lucia. Thank you so much for asking that question. I'm rewarding that line a bonus point, and I'm opening myself up to the idea of liking you.

Hurley/Libby is probably the most awkward couple idea other than Locke/Claire I've see the show produce, but I think they're actually going for it, which makes it worse. I just don't get a romantic vibe from these two. She seems to be too old for him, and I just don't sense a spark. They don't have to be all "tear each other's clothes off" like Kate and Sawyer, or Kate and Jack, but they should be adorable like Claire and Charlie were. They just aren't. I have a feeling Libby is going to end up rejecting Hurley, and I hope it's not too awkward to watch.

Seeing Sawyer give dating advice is funny though.

I like that Jack gives Charlie stitches, and doesn't really bother to lecture him. He's a doctor, and at heart he maintains the impartiality that a doctor must have for a patient in all his interactions. That makes him a very good leader, but probably not too great a lover. I don't know though, since the writers refuse to make any headway with Jack and Kate...

Rating: 8.5 out of 10 pianos of destiny!

The bonus point is included in that. I didn't really have a problem with this episode, but it wasn't one of my favorites.Charlie is falling further and further down in my Character Rankings. He might even be my least favorite character at this point, but I think the writers might be setting him up to take on more of a villainous role, and I think I might enjoy him more in that position. Seeing someone try to help who ends up causing problems can be entertaining, but I prefer to see someone knowingly set out to try and cause damage.  

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