Friday, March 16, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 34 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 10 "23rd Psalm"

Echo is a beast!

Alright, so the whole idea of child soldiers is something that has always really interested me. It's absolutely terrible, and awful, and disgusting; but I want to see a show about them. There's something about the moral simplicity of children and the brutal destruction of war that just makes a really interesting dynamic. Like in Peter Pan, I always wanted to see more of the battles between the Lost Boys and the pirates. I think there's a huge wealth of storytelling that can be generated from this topic, if people are willing to treat the subject with the proper amount of sensitivity.

Anyways, as soon as I realized that Echo was going to become a child soldier, I realized that it explained both his brutal bad assery, and also the great amount of sadness that surrounds him. He is a victim of circumstance, but the result is that he became a very very dangerous man.

Okay, should I call foul on the fact that the random Nigerian drug plane was some how connected to one of the survivors of the 815 crash? I won't but I will eye it with some suspicion.

For a while, I thought Echo just somehow knew that all Virgin Mary statues had heroin. I thought that was pretty funny, I kind of wish that had been what turned out to be the case.

Oh Charlie. I hope I can grow to like you again by the end of the season. Right now, I really don't. You're a junkie, and you're slipping back into your old habits. I don't know if you're actually using or not, but storing all those statues in secret is clearly a bad sign.

So Echo and Charlie are connected by the fact that they both have complex brother issues. Echo saved his brother, but it cost him his soul, but then his brother ended up being sacrificed to save his soul again.

Okay, let's talk about the smoke monster. The monster from Season 1 has now become this weird cloud of smoke, and I don't like it. It was much scarier before. Still I did enjoy the scene where it just left Echo alone. He's a beast.

I love that at the end of the episode Echo chose to be a priest. You are what you choose to be, and Echo chose to be a priest, and unfortunately Charlie chose to be a drug addict. Why do people keep giving Charlie his drugs back? Take them away from him!

So I'm not entirely sure what the nature of Claire and Charlie's relationship was prior to this episode, but she broke up with him in this episode. Is that what's going to make him turn back to using?

Kate gave Sawyer a hair cut, and somehow that was enough to make me be torn between Jack and Sawyer yet again. Oh Kate's sexual chemistry!

I'm glad that everyone is finally accepting Sawyer, and growing to love him. He's a good guy. Also, he removed a bullet from his shoulder bare handed!

Meanwhile in the hatch, Michael continues to talk with the evil Computer, and decides to train with Locke to become a better shot. What is he planning? Does he think he can take the Others on by himself?

Seeing Anna Lucia and Libby slowly start to bond with the Tribe was also nice. Jin remains my favorite character by being the one to extend a hand to the crazy woman who tied him up for no reason.

Rating: 9 out of 10 Priest Outfits.

Unlike Anna Lucia's episode, this one was great from start to finish. I'm not sure exactly where I would rank Echo in my next Character Ranking, but it will be high. He's definitely earned a spot above Charlie, no matter where he's ranked.

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