Thursday, March 15, 2012

Five Drinks Into Thursday Night TV: Andy and Erin! (I)

Tom Reviews The Office Season 8 Episode 19 "Get the Girl"

Okay, I dislike the Nelly character, but I really enjoyed that episode.

For starters, I love the balloon bit. The whole notion of the office staff being excited by something as mundane as a balloon that has been hanging in the rafters of the warehouse for a long time is exactly what the show is about. And I love hearing how everyone feels so awful about how little their life has progressed, or how negatively it has progressed since the balloon first took flight.

Did Toby call himself Tony on purpose? Is this going to be explained later? I kinda don't need it to be. It's so weird and random, that I like it remaining a mystery.

Okay, I don't like Nelly, but I like the idea of a character just walking in and claiming the role of manager. That's a pretty funny concept, and I like that Robert California apparently doesn't care enough to do anything about it. That's funny.

Andy shaving in the ocean was weirdly funny as well.

Andy and Erin are together!!! I am delighted by this, and delighted to find that I'm so delighted. That's delightful.

Rating: 9 out of 10

I apologize for not writing more, but the Office episodes are really short, and there's not a lot to be said about them on any type of deep internal level. This episode is good. I believe I've called it delightful several times. But it didn't make me rethink life or anything.

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