Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 32 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 2 Episode 8 "Collision"

This episode was depressing, but I'm going to start this review by talking about the weird comic relief of the episode instead.

Jack and Kate decide to face off at golf. Now I get that the writers need to have these two flirt whenever they possibly can, but this seems a bit contrived. All this death and mayhem, and these two are playing golf? Really? I guess this was just their way of reminding us that Jack and Kate have a connection before switching back to the Kate and Sawyer action.

Anna Lucia's flashback was uncomfortable. Up until the last scene of it, I was really uninterested. Basically she was shot and lost her baby, and then instead of getting over it and taking the culprit into justice, she decided to get revenge.

That scene where she shot the guy was really brutal and cool.

So, following Shannon's death, Sayid goes crazy and attacks Anna Lucia, but Mr. Echo quickly puts a stop to that. He really is a total bad ass. I can't wait to see more of Echo and Locke together. Those two are going to raise the roof on mysterious dangerousness.

Anna Lucia loses her shit, and starts threatening her fellow Tail Enders. She has issues, serious issues. I'm so glad she's here to scare all the Frontsiders. They were starting to grow complacent.

So Mr. Echo won't let Sawyer die, so he takes him to the Hatch (sorry, that's what everyone is calling it.) He is clearly mystified by this place, but more importantly, Jack and Kate have to deal with Sawyer.

Seeing Kate care for Sawyer was beautiful. Seeing Jack realize how much Kate cared about Sawyer was also fun. This love triangle is going to come out into the open soon isn't it!

Or maybe it's going to be a love square? I saw how Jack reacted to Anna Lucia's name. There could be a thing between them. Kate noticed too!

Okay, I should take this opportunity to make my prediction about this love triangle. I was initially a Kate/Jack fan, but at this point in time I am pretty much split. Kate could end up with either Jack or Sawyer, and I think I would be both happy for them and sad for the guy left out in the cold. This love triangle is actually really remarkable to me in how evenly I'm rooting for both men. I think the next few episodes will be really important in determining where I end up in this conflict. Sawyer has been gaining ground on Jack throughout the series, and if this continues he will be my clear cut favorite. Seeing how Jack handles this could make all the difference for me. Will he pull a Dawson and get overclingy and annoying? Or will he stay classy like Pacey and bury his feelings until the opportunity arises for him to make a move. (Gee, I wonder which of them I wanted to end with the girl?) Every love triangle is different, and every show has to decide how they want to characterize it. Are Jack and Kate the Ross and Rachel of the show, where they HAVE to end up together? Or maybe they're more like the Buffy and Angel, where there's genuine love for each other, but the audience wants her to end up with the bad boy with a funny accent.

Okay, so the best part of this episode by far was the reunion. Unfortunately it did come across as fairly cheesy. I felt the emotion of the scene, but it wasn't as good as some of the other emotional scenes this series has done. The Sun and Jin scene didn't blow me away, and their emotional scenes usually do. I felt more for Rose and Bernard, although for for the most part I don't care nearly as much about those two characters. It was just powerful to see them reunite after so long apart.

So the other big thing to talk about in this episode is the conversation between Sayid and Anna Lucia. Both of them basically share their biggest secrets to each other (and I enjoyed it more than I would have if they just showed us a flashback, just like I knew I would.) They then proceeded to play this chicken like game to see who would kill the other. But Sayid is right, killing Anna Lucia won't bring back Shannon. She's dead, and nothing will ever be beautiful again....

It would be a bold choice to have Anna Lucia and Sayid end up getting together by the way. I realize I discuss way too many relationships during these reviews, but this is a show about characters and their interactions, so we're left with a lot of possible ships.

Rating: 7 out of 10 new character flashbacks.

I will continue to give 10 out of 10's to any episode without a flashback to prior to the crash. I'm starting to get annoyed at the sound they use to prompt a flashback. There's just too many of them.

Anyways, there was some good stuff in this episode. Did it blow my mind? No, but there are some scenes I could see myself rewatching a few times, and there was nothing really wrong with the episode. It felt average, so that's how I rated it.

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