Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 3 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor: Season 24 Episode 3 "One World is Out the Window"

The girls finally won an immunity challenge! And a reward challenge to boot. So 12 points for all of them, but I'm also taking 5 points from them all for whining about being cold the whole first half of the episode. So (+7) for all girls, and we finally got to see the guys scramble around to figure out what to do, and who to vote out.  And we got our first blind side!

1. Sabrina. (41 points): She started out a little rocky in that immunity challenge, but she more than made up with it by crushing Bill at the puzzle.

2. Alicia. (32 points): I'm missing the spark I saw in the first episode. I hope she gets a chance to stir up some more drama soon!

3. Monica. (28 points): She did well in the reward challenge, but then looked awful in the immunity challenge. I'm not sure if that was her or Sabrina's fault, and I guess it doesn't matter since they pulled it out anyways.

4. Kim. (26 points): Okay, I'm not going to lie. Most of these points are because I think she's the hottest girl in the game.

5. Leif. (23 points): I realize he hasn't done much to deserve this position, but he's keeping his head down, and that's really important in the early stage of the game. He's gotten himself into the dominant alliance within the male tribe, and no one's thinking about voting him out. So that's good enough for now.

6. Jonas. (22 points): He's pretty much doing the same as Leif, I hope these two are buddies. They can be the secret ninjas of this season. Also, he was nice to the girls at the beginning, so I give him chivalry points for that.

7. Chelsea. (19 points): I think Chelsea is pretty hot too, but she was the one of the girls who reacted the worst to being cold, so I took points off for that.  I think its pretty telling though, that even as my #5 girl, she's still ranked above 7 of the guys. The girls this season are much more interesting, even when they're whining!

8. Mike. (16 points): Unlike Tarzan, I know enough to know that he must have voted against Matt. Kudos to him for abandoning ship, and as a strong physical competitor, I think he'll be able to make a case for why he should stay even though he's not a part of the Misfit Alliance.

9. Jay. (16 points): Welcome to the show sir. I kind of like you! Also, you were the first to see the Misfits scheming, and took the opportunity to possibly earn a place among them. Tarzan's a loose cannon, and Colton hates Bill, so I could definitely see you managing to forge a place here.

10. Christina. (16 points):  Congratulations on making it through the week, but I don't know if you'll make it much further. You better hope the girls keep winning.

11. Troyzan (14 points): You were terrible in the reward challenge, but made it up for being a part of the movement to eliminate Matt. Yes, it was a movement.

12. Colton (13 points.): So I will totally understand if Colton gets invited back for a future All Stars season, because he's pretty much the star of the show right now. I also give him props for revealing his immunity idol, and making it seem like a sure thing that he was going to use it. That seems like a legitimate bluff, and it might have been the reason that Bill and Mike switched sides. I think his comments about Bill border on racism, and that vote seemed really weird and strangely like a personal attack. I can't imagine Colton winning this game right now, but I could see him making it to the end, because people will know they can beat him. So kudos to playing a good second place game.  

13. Bill (12 points): Wow. He gets points for saying the name of the episode, but I'm pretty sure that Bill is stoned. His comments are ridiculous.

14. Tarzan. (6 points.): Hello Mr. Big Mouth. You are not going to win this season, because you clearly have no idea what the fuck is going on. You're another 2nd Place candidate, and my guess is that you're hoping Colton will take you. That is officially the only scenario where I can see Colton winning. Is it going to be final 2 or final 3 this season? Is that something I should know?

15. Kat. (-8 points.): She is an awful competitor, so if that is a factor, she won't last long. She could get dragged along until the end though, so she has that going for her.

16. Matt. (-18): I was actually going to give him points when he showed up at the big Misfits meeting, but then he completely misread the situation and proceeded to try and vote out the guy with the hidden immunity idol. I am so glad that he's gone. It has restored my faith in the strategic aspect of the game. Because, Matt had NO strategy.


Reward: 9 out of 10. Immunity 10 out of 10.

Some really good challenges this week. Nothing incredibly new, but they played out in a pretty exciting way, so that was fun. Those blindfold challenges always make me suspicious, since I think you can cheat on them, but the girls managed to win after being crushed on that part of the challenge, so all is good.


Despite the title of the episode, One World is still on, and its adding some drama at camp, although it also seems to be rendering the reward challenges meaningless, as they appear to all be sharing resources. I'm still wondering whether this twist is going to affect the game once they get to the merge or not, as that is going to be the big test. Until then I look forward to seeing how this all plays out!


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