Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Five Drinks Into a Wednesday Night Rewatch: Dexter Episode 1 (I)

So to introduce this article, basically every Wednesday, I'm going to rewatch an episode of a TV series I've already seen. In this case, I'm going to be talking about Dexter, which is still on the air, having just wrapped up it's sixth season. It's a great show, and I highly recommend everybody watch it, but don't read this blog until you've finished the sixth season, because while I don't know if I'll be making a lot of references to future episodes, I won't be avoiding them. The format of this will be a little different than my other reviews, because I started writing these a while ago. Anyways, without further ado.

Tom Rewatches Dexter: Season 1 Episode 1 "Dexter"

Its hard to judge this episode without comparing it to the rest of the series. Dexter seems off here compared to the character I've gotten to know, but if I was a first time watcher then I think I would enjoy his more congenial nature and barely contained enthusiasm for blood. I enjoy it either way, but I feel like Dexter is a little too happy to fit the dark self description of himself.

This episode begins with Dexter in his car on the prowl, which is a motif of the series. I like the feeling we get here that Dexter can't help himself, although in a comical cut we get the momentary impression he might be a pedophile. We soon learn the truth though, and we witness the first kill of the series, and Dexter kills a pedophile! This is the perfect way to start the series as we jump right into the action of our serial killer protagonist, and only later giving a rushed explanation that something happened in his past that left him "empty inside" (like the empty doughnut box, Dexter later notes in one of his best deliveries of the episode.) We get to see that Dexter's foster father Harry discovering Dexter's troubling beginnings in a rather awkward scene that was probably intended to make Dexter seem sociopathic, but doesn't quite land. These flashbacks continue throughout the episode, as Harry realizes that Dexter's urges can't be stopped, and instead decides to harness them against the criminals he faces on a daily basis. This is a really creepy scene, when Harry appears to be just as twisted as Dexter, and I can't help but feel like maybe in spite of what Dexter said, that perhaps Harry actually pushed Dexter down this path, when perhaps there was another way.

And then the "daytime plot" begins, as we learn that Dexter is a blood pathologist for Miami Metro, and is called to investigate a bloodless murder. Here we meet Deb.

Deb. Our secondary protagonist, and Dexter's "foul mouthed foster sister" Deb is probably my favorite character overall, as I love the fact that every other word out of her mouth is 'fuck'. She is nonetheless a truly heroic person, and acts as the more traditional protagonist to this series, providing more of a moral balance to the show.

Batista and Masuka are introduced at the crime scene, as is LaGuerta to add to our daytime players. Masuka is hilarious, but in this episode his perversion comes across as really unprofessional and sort of detracts from the horrendousness of the crime. Batista seems like a caricature of the character we get to see later, making some more inappropriate comments, although he does have his head in the game and makes some  good notes about the body. As for LaGuerta, she appears to have the hots for Dexter which is interesting to see, though I don't remember it going anywhere, and she hates Deb, which will play a huge role in the future.

Dex reviews the crime scene, and again seems to be almost a fanboy of the killer, and I have to wonder why nobody among the police find his behavior weird. I guess its because he gives them doughnuts? The only one who seems to notice Dexter's weirdness is Doakes.

Doakes. Easily steals this ep, Doakes' combination of insults and no-nonsense attitude, make him absolutely hilarious to watch. I love seeing someone call Dexter on his shit.

Then of course there's Rita, who Dexter apparently chose because she was too emotionally damaged to notice his own emotional disparities. This is one of my favorite relationships, because despite the fact that both of these people are adults, they come at this relationship with such a nervous fragile energy that you can't help but hope that it endures. I'm not gonna spend a lot of time talking about camera work or lighting, but the way they constantly keep Rita lighted, even in the night tells a lot about her and the way Dexter sees her. Her fragility in this episode is a little hard to watch, but her innocence is such a change of pace from the rest of the show that you can't help but smile when you see her. Even this early in the series you are already rooting for Dexter and Rita. I love it.

Ice Truck Killer. You're a psychopath, and you appear to be good at killing, and you also appear to be baiting Dexter. That works for me.

MVP: Doakes. I love that all you did in this episode was insult Dexter.

Needs Improvement: Masuka. I found him to be awkward in this episode instead of funny.

Kill Count: Dexter kills two people in this episode. The pedophile, and the snuff film maker.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

 A really good episode, that just felt off in some places. The snuff film maker plot seemed like it was just a device to show Dexter's methods, I prefer it when we feel some sort of connection between Dexter and his victims. Even the pedophile, we got that line about how Dexter understands what its like to have urges he can't control. Still it was a fun re-watch, I forgot how funny this series could be. It loses some of that humor in the later seasons as they explore some darker themes, it was nice to see it here. Especially Doakes.

Best Line: "Its empty. Just like me."

Bonus Points:

The awkward and nervous beginnings to the Dexter and Rita relationship. 1 point.
Doakes saying "I'm watching you, you mother fucker." .5 points.

Episode Score: 8.5.

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