Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 9 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 9 "Solitary"

So this episode confused the time line a bit. From Kate's statement that Sayid was gone for two days, I believe this episode covered Days 11 and 12 on the Island. We found out that there is another survivor named Danielle on the Island which brings the total to 47, and she along with two other characters were introduced in this episode. One named Ethan, who appears to be training under Locke to be a hunter, and another man who I'm going to call Rash Guy, because he had a rash. So now I know 20/47 of the survivors on the Island.

So this was a Sayid episode, just like I've been waiting for. Unfortunately I was fairly underwhelmed by the Sayid backstory. On the one hand, it was cool that the girl in the photo was a prisoner while he was in the Republican Guard, and he was expected to torture her. That's a nice twist, but I didn't necessarily feel a lot of heat between them. I just didn't get a romantic vibe from the two. I hope that's not just me being racist, but I probably can't rule it out. I just wasn't blown away by his backstory, and to be honest I think that's because the last eight episodes have been so good in developing Sayid's character without having to actually show us scenes from his past. I just didn't find it necessary; which is funny considering how much I wanted this episode.

So Danielle Rosseau is really weird, and I guess she killed all of her fellow ship wreck survivors? She mentioned that they were sick, so I'm guessing that this might be a new danger for the Lost survivors. It could be some sort of zombie making disease. I'm guessing that because she mentioned "the Others" which makes me think of George R.R Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series.  I don't know; this is really weird and I'm not sure I care for it. I prefer the society building aspect of the show to the whole mystery aspect. By the way, it was clear that "Alex" was Danielle's child from like the first moment she said the name, so that was a lame reveal.

So Hurley built a gold course. I didn't see this coming, and it was pretty funny. I like the idea of an episode addressing the problem of people being bored, although I think they should have shown more of the survivors just sitting around being bored, because that would have been great TV.

I'm pretty sure that Kate and Sawyer are going to get together before Kate and Jack do. Sawyer seems to be actively pursuing Kate, while Jack isn't putting up enough of a fight. Shame on you Jack. I am enjoying the chemistry between them despite my ship allegiance, and it was nice to see Sawyer try and gain some acceptance from the rest of the survivors. I still hope he tries to stage a coup against Jack at some point.

Michael designed a shower system. That seems incredible useful. Thank you Michael, but you should do a better job of paying attention to Walt. And let Locke teach him to hunt!

Jack totally made that putt.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10 golf courses.

My rating seems a little low, considering that I think as a whole I enjoyed this episode. I just felt underwhelmed by it, and I think that's why my rating is so low. I was disappointed. This episode just didn't inspire much of a reaction from me. I felt like we didn't learn very much new about Sayid; the golf course plot was light hearted, but it wasn't comic gold; and the discovery of Danielle was weird, but not really "Oh my God, I can't believe it!" I want moments like that if they're going to throw in these elements of mystery into the show.

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