Thursday, February 9, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 10 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 10 "Raised by Another"

So I've pretty much lost track of what day it is on the island. Kate remarked in this episode that it had been nearly a week since Sayid had left camp. I believe he left camp on Day 9, so the events of this episode were probably around days 14-16. I'm going to say this episode ends on Day 16, but it could be later, or earlier. We also got reference to a guy named Lance in this episode, so I think we now know 21 out of the 47 people alive on the Island, including crazy Danielle. Now let's get into this episode. It was a Claire episode!

Obviously by this point in the series, I've figured out that we're going to see everybody's backstory. I knew we were going to have a Claire episode, and to be honest I wasn't really looking forward to it. I'm not a fan of pregnancy stories for the most part, and for some reason I assumed Claire's backstory would just be an average pregnancy tale. I was wrong. Claire's backstory is awesome, and it was even better since I had such low expectations.

There's really two parts to Claire's backstory. The first part is the average part,which while well acted and entertaining enough on its own, would have left me feeling underwhelmed. For starters, Claire's boyfriend Thomas is a dick. Not only did he lead Claire on so that she decided to keep the baby, but then he dumped her as soon as it got "real." To top it off, he's an artist, and I hate artists. No, not really, but I definitely think they tend to have a definite douchiness that I don't appreciate. Plus, he's got a pregnant girlfriend at home and all he brings back is beer? Dick. Total dick. Then we've got the scene with the couple who want to adopt Claire's baby, and that was very awkward and uncomfortable. The "normal" part of Claire's backstory was just so uncomfortable, I'm glad there was the awesome second part.

Claire's baby could become the anti-Christ if Claire isn't there to raise him. Okay, the psychic never actually made that explicitly clear, but I got the message. I love prophesies in fiction, and the psychic's prophetic vision of the child really intrigues me. The series doesn't appear to be moving fast enough for us to ever see this dark future, but I am left curious as to how that would turn out. On the other hand, I'm in love with the fact that the Psychic apparently deceived Claire so she would be on board the plane that crashed. Did he want her to die, or did he think this was the only way she would end up being the one to take care of the baby? I'm intrigued.

Hurley's real name is Hugo Reyes.

So in the present, Claire is having nightmares of her baby being stolen, and I have to admit I was with Jack in thinking this was all in her head. I guess not though. I didn't love all the shrieking, but Locke with the white and black in his eyes was creepy. I think he might have like split personalities in the future or something like that, because that's come up before. Anyways, Ethan Rom appears to be one of the "Others" Danielle mentioned, and he appears to want Claire's baby. Could it be part of some dark prophesy, or is this all some giant mislead?

The whole census plot seemed kind of forced. The writers needed a way to show that Ethan was weird, so they came up with this whole census idea. I'm not impressed.

"Rape caves!" Apathetic Shannon is back. I love her.

I still hate Boone.

Sawyer is awesome. Apparently he really is starting to make at least a small effort to help out amongst the survivors, and isn't just resorting to his usual villainous ways. I'm a little disappointed in his growth as a person, but I also admire the character growth.

"I could be your friend," should be a fan favorite quote in my opinion.

Charlie/Claire is my new favorite ship on the show. I know it's not being presented as very romantic or sexual, but that only makes me like it more. Their cuteness comes from the innocent nature of their relationship, which is funny since she's pregnant and he's a former drug addict, so neither of them is really innocent. It's an interesting dynamic these two have, considering their pasts, and I think it adds a lot to their relationship. I'm going to predict right now though, that Charlie is going to die before the end of the series. I like the two of them together too much for them both to survive, and I think Claire is needed to raise the baby, so Charlie is doomed. I hope I'm wrong, but that's what my intuition is telling me.

"If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby." Charlie might be my new favorite character. He's definitely in the running, especially since Kate has apparently not been doing anything but staring out at the ocean for several episodes now. Or at least one.

Oh, and Sayid was in this episode. They're not alone apparently....

Cliffhanger! I think it'll be a mislead, and Ethan will be like a last minute walk on to the plane, or something mundane like that.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10 false contractions

Really good episode, and it caught me by surprise, because I did not have high hopes for it. I'm now officially on board the Charlie/Claire ship, and I'm curious as to what's going to happen with that baby. I really don't want to see an episode where Claire gives birth though, because that's become a TV trope, and I prefer it when they just skip that part. Maybe that's just me being a guy, but I stand by that opinion regardless.

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