Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 2 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor: Season 24 Episode 2 "Total Dysfunction"

So for this episode, let's get things started with some character rankings.

I award the Men two points for winning the reward challenge, and ten points for winning the immunity challenge. (+12 for all men.)

1. Sabrina. (28 points): I don't know how you got yourself elected as leader of the women's tribe, but I think that makes you safe for quite a while. You're also sassy, and I like sassy.

2. Alicia. (24 points): You faded into the background in this episode some, but I still remember last week. I hope we see some more drama out of you soon.

3. Monica. (21 points): She was the only woman to get through that immunity challenge! I think she's smart, and I'm hopeful she can make some moves and not just be a victim of the 5 gal alliance.

4. Mike. (18 points): I liked that he stole the women's stuff last week.

5. Leif. (17 points): Somehow Leif stumbled into the Misfit Alliance, and I have high hopes for them. He also had the hardest part in the immunity challenge.

6. Jonas (16 points): Another member of the Misfit Alliance! He seems like he might be stoned....

7. Kim. (15 points): I think we got our first case of false advertisement out of Kim's debate over who to vote out tonight. Still, I think Kim might be the hottest girl on the island, so that gives her some points as well.

8. Bill. (13 points): What was that accent? I think that was the first time we heard him talk this episode. I think he's my sleeper pick for the male tribe.

9. Troyzan. (13 points): Another Misfit! I'm not a big fan of him though, and I can see the Misfits deciding to turn against him instead of sticking true to their alliance.

10. Jay. (12 points.) As a man, he got the +12 points. That is all.

11. Chelsea. (10 points.): She's my sleeper pick for the female tribe. She was with Kim in considering flipping the vote, so I suspect the two of them have a tight alliance with each other.

12. Colton (9 points.): The fact that he has any points at all is entirely because he has the hidden immunity. He has personality, I give him that, and I think he might even be smart, but I really don't like him. He's so annoying, and he gets on everyone's nerves.

13. Christina. (8 points.): She did NOT do well at the immunity challenge, and as Nina is gone I think she's probably next on the chopping block.

14. Tarzan. (6 points.): Ugh, this "quirky" guy character annoys me. He appears to not have an alliance, so I hope he gets voted out first from the male tribe.

15. Matt. (2 points.): He's in the wrong alliance in my book, and he's a sexist pig to boot. Okay, I have no real idea if that's true, but it FEELS true, and that's what's important here.

16. Kat. (-13): Terrible. She did terrible in that competition, and since her alliance is based on competitive skill, that's going to be a problem.

17. Nina. (-106): She's gone! I really didn't like her very much; she was too harsh, and she managed to throw her potential alliance under the bus instead of trying to make a strong case for votes earlier. Bad gameplay.


Reward Challenge Rating: 9 out of 10.

I thought the knot tying was a good fair challenge, and I thought that playing for a tarp was a good prize to play for. A tarp is useful in actually trying to build a decent shelter.

Immunity Challenge Rating: 9 out of 10.

Wow, the girls got crushed. "It's definitely the boobs are hard." I don't think that's the real reason, but that was a great quote.

New Game:

As part of the One World Twist, the girls are unable to get rid of Colton!

Episode MVP: Sabrina! Way to get yourself elected leader! I hope you can turn your tribe around.

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