Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 18 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 18 "Numbers"

Day 33 on the Island. 45 people alive. 26 of them remain unknown. This episode followed the curse of the numbers of Hugo Reyes...

Haha. I just had to mix it up. We got our first Hurley episode!

I'll give this episode a bonus point for being unexpected. I did not think that Hurley would turn out to be a lottery winner, though that means he is actually good for the money he owes Walt. I wonder if that'll end up being paid off.

Rating: No I'm kidding, I'm not going to do the rating yet.

I'm sorry, I'm digging for stuff to say about this episode, but I don't really have much. It sucks that Hurley's cursed I guess. The numbers are mysterious and connected to the mysterious hatch. I guess that's all very mysterious?

That was a nice moment between Sayid and Shannon. Now that he's refound the picture of Nadia, is he going to feel guilty about moving on?

Jack and Sayid have been arguing about the papers and Danielle for a while now. Not sure if that really shows anything, but I just thought I'd point out the tension.

We got to see crazy Danielle again in this episode! She's been complicating my count of survivors for too long for us not to get another episode with her in it. I want to see the rest of the survivors find her supplies, so they can gear up for some battle with the "others."

Sawyer likes to read, doesn't he? That's an interesting character trait that I haven't commented on before. I'm not sure what that says about him, but it's interesting.

Is Walt going to sabotage the raft again?

Charlie yelling at Hurley, and then not believing that he was rich was pretty funny.

My favorite moment of the episode was realizing that Locke had built a cradle for Claire's baby. That was cute, and I liked seeing Claire's desire to feel useful among the survivors. I keep wanting to call them a tribe, maybe I should just go with it?

The Tribe continues to build the Raft, and hope for rescue. I'm going to start capitalizing important elements to the plot, like Numbers, Raft, Tribe, Island (already was.) and Hatch.

So yeah. I guess Hurley can no longer be considered a minor character now that we've seen his flashback?

Rating: 7 out of 10 rickety bridges that hold for Hurley only to fall apart on Charlie.

I didn't have much to say about this episode. It wasn't bad, but without the bonus point it was like a 6, which would be a "D" if I was grading it like that. Hurley is my least favorite character, and even though I was pleasantly surprised by his backstory, I still didn't like that this episode was all about him.

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