Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Five Drinks Into a Wednesday Night Rewatch: Dexter Episode 3 (I)

Tom Reviews Dexter: Season 1 Episode 3 "Popping Cherry"

As I was watching this episode, I was surprised by just how many different storylines this series has going already. I'm going to talk about each in no particular order.

Doakes and the Cops go clowning around! Doakes continues his rampage against the Copkilling Gang Boss, showing up at said Gang Boss' daughter's confirmation, but apparently has a problems when his co-workers want to go attack one of his lieutenants. I'm really not pleased by how corrupt all these cops seem to be, though my heart did go out to Doakes who is so clearly an outsider even amongst those he considers to be his own kind.

Deb vs. LaGuerta. I think this was my favorite of the storylines. I enjoy seeing Deb really step into her own as an investigator, and I found her scenes with the hookers to be pretty funny. Whereas in the last two episodes it seemed like Dexter was really leading Deb to the answers, here it appears that she is able to figure things out on her own. But LaGuerta completely ignores her, and this is where I have a problem, because she's putting her dislike for Deb completely ahead of the case. LaGuerta should be more competent than that, and she shouldn't be making press conferences when she isn't sure they have the right suspect.

Dexter almost kills the juvenile killer. I enjoy it when Dexter decides that someone doesn't meet the requirement of his Code, and decides that he has to spare them. I think it shows the control that Dexter has over his dark passenger, and also that Harry really did accomplish something with all his lessons, other than further convincing Dexter that he wasn't normal. I didn't particularily enjoy this plot besides that though, even though it did connect with the flashback plot of Dexter's first kill. There's a lot going on in this episode, and I feel like they didn't quite flesh out the elements of this plot to make it truly meaningful.

Speaking of the flashback plot, I enjoyed seeing how bad Dexter was at killing his first time around. And that nurse was crazy. Also, I love seeing this version of young Dex and Deb, where it's just the normal actors in funny wigs.

Finally we have the Rita giving up her car to settle her husband's debt. I didn't like the idea of her just giving up the car, and Dexter allowing it, but it allowed us to really see how Rita handles her problems. She doesn't fight back, she can't really, instead she just struggles to endure. It's not as viscerally satisfying to watch, but it's more realistic and matches her character very well. Instead of fighting for herself, she retreats into her shell. This makes her a really good match for the introverted Dexter...if only he didn't have that problem with killing people...He really is a good guy on paper, he's smart, succesful in his profession, and he appears to put Rita's needs in front of his own.

MVP: Rita. There's something about the way that she just quietly fights to keep her family together that I really admire, and unlike Dexter, I am willing to admit I have a heart, and it breaks for Rita.

Needs Improvement: LaGuerta. You're a lieutenant, fucking act like it.

Kill Count: Flashback to Dexter killing the Nurse.

Rating: 5 out of 10. First off I should mention that my ratings for Dexter have higher standards than your average show, so even this 5 out of 10 episode is still very watchable. But it's a step down from the other eps. The multiple plots are a little all over the place, and although we get another Ice Truck Killer victim, I don't feel like we're progressing enough on that plot. I feel like this episode didn't really provide much momentum to the season as a whole, it was more of an attempt at a stand alone.

Favorite Line: "What's wrong with being a fucking whore?"

Bonus Points:

Dexter not killing the juvenile. 1 point.
The funny flashback kill. 1 point.
Dexter getting the car for Rita. 1 point.

Total Score: 8 points.

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