Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 22 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 22 "Born to Run"

They said it's been three weeks since Locke found the Hatch, which I wrote happened on Day 16. I've clearly been off on some of these dates, but I'm putting this at Day 37. We met Arzt in this episode, so we now know 20 out of the 45 people alive on the Island. This episode solved some more of the Kate mystery.

In the third episode or whichever one it was that we first learned that Kate had a mysterious criminal past, I was okay with not learning more about it. I was fine with the mystery. As we've seen more and more of these flashbacks, I've realized that I REALLY would have been fine not knowing any of this. I just don't care to see Kate's past, even though her character does interest me. I liked that her old flame Tom was a doctor. I like that Kate's recklessness lead to his death. I didn't really care to see him though. I feel like I would have had a stronger reaction to Kate finally opening up and telling Jack about her past instead. It would have been more meaningful, because it would have actually affected the current plot and character relationships. We still would have learned more about Kate's past, but we would also have seen how Jack reacted to hearing about Kate's past; and her reaction to his reaction.

I suppose this is a lost cause bitching about the flashbacks, so I'll try and stop now, and just focus on the content.

Kate's from Iowa?

I felt bad for Tom's wife more than anything else. Her husband allowed himself to die helping out an old flame? That's terrible.

Does Kate see some of Tom, who was a doctor too, in Jack? Is that why there's so much chemistry between them? Does Jack see some of Sarah in Kate?

Did Kate's mother purposefully ask for help against Kate, or was that just her being delusional. Obviously we're in for another flashback to find out what Kate did to be on the run in the first place. I'm guessing it was something stupid. 

Meanwhile in the present...

The mystery of who poisoned Michael was handled well. I was confused for most of the episode, and then I managed to guess that it was Sun right before the show let us in on the secret. I love that Sun is attempting to stop Jin from leaving her. Their relationship is becoming one of my favorite things about the show. I was not very big on the twist that Kate played a part in the poisoning though. 

I like that Walt told his dad about him burning the first Raft. Otherwise there might have been continued paranoia that this Raft was going to be burned as well. 

That Kate and Sawyer fight in this episode was interesting. I thought Kate's motives were selfish but understandable, and they did bring up some good points of who should be going on the Raft. I guess Michael explained his reasoning fairly well. The Island is clearly magical, and they might not be able to find their way back. 

Sawyer turning on Kate in this episode was hard to watch, but I realized with his last scene with Kate that in actuality his motives might have been brought on by Kate having hurt his feelings. I believe he genuinely LIKES Kate, and seeing her turn against him and badmouth him like that in this episode made him realize that she doesn't feel the same way. At least not right now. Oh, I'm starting to cave in to Sawyer/Kate shipperness. 

I'm full on shipping Claire/Charlie. We get another reference to Charlie's music career. Remember, he was a member of DriveShaft! I want to see Charlie write more songs, and perform some of them for the rest of the Tribe. Also, Claire was cutting Charlie's hair! That's so wonderfully domestic and adorable. Rock on DriveShaft!

There's also a new character named Arzt! What a ridiculous name! I like that he has something to contribute though, as he's a high school science teacher. He knows about winds and stuff. I hope we have more bit parts among the survivors coming soon. We need to expand the supporting cast of the series!

Rating: 6 out of 10 forged passports.

I still like Kate. She provides a lot of romantic tension to the series; and she has great scenes with pretty much all of the male characters. She works really well as a female romantic lead. The episodes that focus on her backstory all fail to interest me though. I just want something different out of them. Maybe I want more scenes with her not wearing any clothes? That could be it. Anyways, it's time for me to dive into the last two episodes of the season!

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