Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 23 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 23 "Exodus (1)"

It's Day 38 on the Island, and we know 20 out of the 45 survivors on the Island.

I loved this episode.

Instead of having an episode without any flashbacks, this episode had everyone's flashbacks at once. This was the perfect way to begin the season finale. These characters all came from different places, but they all ended up on the same Island, and I feel like that's the point of this episode. We see how these people have built a community, and how they face crisis. We also get to see the sendoff for four of the survivors, and I was very pleased with just how emotional each farewell is; even between characters who haven't gotten to interact with each other a lot. There's a feeling of real bonds between these people; and that's a sign of how well the show has done of building these character relationships over the season.

We start with a flashback of Michael and Walt, with Walt insisting that Michael isn't his real father. It was good to remind the audience of where these characters started their relationship, so we could realize how far they have come. Walt would no longer even hesitate to call Michael his father, and even though there are still issues between them, they've made powerful strides towards building up their relationship.

Walt goes off to pee, and I'm reminded that the issue of waste management rarely comes up in the show. I'm not complaining, it's just one of those things that's really awkward to think about. I have a hard time thinking of Shannon in particular going to the bathroom in the wilderness. I guess they've had to though.

Crazy Danielle is back with news of the Others. This sparks the crisis that motivates the camp into action in this episode, and once again forces a team of survivors to be assembled. This time their mission is to finally go to the Black Rock, to find explosives to blow open the Hatch.

Jack's flashback introduces us to Anna Lucille who is another person who was at the missing tail end of the plane. The other thing I took away from this scene was that Jack is no longer married, although he does not go into specifics about what happened. It seems like divorce, but I'm not positive.

Wow. Sawyer actually told Jack about his father. That was a very moving scene, and I like Sawyer even more for him having done that.

Arzt is part of the team that goes to the Black Rock. Oh this has redshirt written all over it. Why the hell is Hurley on this team?

Sawyer's flashback reveals that he wasn't in jail for having killed a man. I like that he's being deported from the scene of his brutal crime. Good work Australian authorities.

Wow. The Marshall decided to deliver a whole bunch of exposition that we already knew in Kate's flashback. That was an awkward scene, but I guess it was important to include a flashback from all our primary characters.

The messages in a bottle idea is cute. I love Charlie.

I really liked seeing Kate's sorrow at not seeing Sawyer to say goodbye to him. I also felt like I caught Sawyer showing a similar sadness at not seeing her before he went. There are definitely feelings between those two, but in this episode she chooses Jack over Sawyer.

Is there going to be a Locke/Danielle ship?

So the monster is a security system? Are the Others the ones who designed it?

I love getting a chance to see Shannon in the flashback. Boone! Seeing the two of them interact would make me sad if it wasn't so damn funny. She just completely screwed over Sayid for no reason!

I admit that I like that Shannon has grown somewhat on the Island. I was really glad that Walt gave her Vincent to watch over. It didn't make any sense for that dog to be on the boat, and it was actually quite heartbreaking to see Vincent try to swim after them. I love dogs. I hope Shannon gets to keep him until the Raft fails, and the four return to the Island. Yeah, I'm predicting they don't get rescued this early in the series. Go figure.

The best part of the episode was without a doubt the Sun/Jin farewell. Their flashback showed us some of the awkwardness between them from the beginning of the season, but then in the present Sun comes to Jin with the list of translations. I started sobbing immediately, and everything Jin said about being sorry and wanting to rescue Sun just tore me apart. After I'm done with the first season of episode reviews, I'm going to do a character ranking, and I assure you all that Jin is going to be at the top of that list. That was beautiful.

I was left at the end of this episode craving more, so let's get on to the second part!

Rating: 9.5 out of 10 unattended bags.

That -.5 points is a result of Kate's Marshall, and his ranting exposition. Other than that this episode was perfect. I've got the next episode uploaded and ready to watch as soon as I finish watching this. So let's get to it!

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