Saturday, February 22, 2020

Five Drinks Into a Survivor Concept: Survivor Savage Island

Tom's Take:

Image result for survivor

First off, I am loving Survivor Winners at War so far. I think my top winner pick has somehow quickly become Tony Vlachos. for anyone who's watched, I am what I consider to be a Breadfruit Truther. In the latest episode, Yul was shown carefully constructing a tool to safely get a single breadfruit, which in my opinion represents his single win. Tony meanwhile used a crazily build ladder to haphardly make it up to the top of a tree, to grab two breadfruits, which I think represent the idea that he's going to somehow against all odds, manage to get a 2nd win this season.

Anyways this blog post isn't about Survivor WAW. It is about a concept for a Season I came up with. Survivor: Savage Island.

So the Concept of Survivor: Savage Island is that the season will be savage, with lots of aggressive gameplay being emphasized, and twists that instead of helping just protect players can be used to attack other players more often.

Game starts up with 3 tribes of six. Each castaway is given five fire tokens to start, and then the tribe has a common fund of five fire tokens to start. First wrinkle in the game, each castaway can steal the tribe's common fund to use for their purchases. Each tribe will have two stations set up. One at the main beach with the Tribe menu, where people can purchase things for the Tribe with the fire tokens. This will take the place of reward challenges

Then there is a secret station with a menu for individual game advantages.

The Menu has the following:

Immunity Idol  that lasts until the merge(only 1 total) for 10 Fire Tokens

Idol Nullifier (1 total) 10 Fire Tokens

Vote Steal that lasts until Merge (1 total) 10 Fire Tokens

Token Stealer: Allows you before a challenge to steal all the fire tokens from any other player, publicly. (1 total) 5 Fire Tokens

Then there's a fake idol kit, with all the fixings including actual hidden immunity idol papers.

Every immunity challenge, the third place tribe will go to tribal. The 2nd place tribe will be safe. The first place tribe will be safe, each castaway will be given a fire token, and they will select one player from the 3rd place tribe to go to Savage Island. The player they select will lose all their fire tokens, which will go to the 1st Place tribe's common fund, and the player will be on Savage Island and miss the tribal council.

On Savage Island, there is a choice of getting ten fire tokens, or getting clue to the Savage Idol.

The Savage Idol can only be played on the person using the Savage Idol. When it is used, (after the votes are cast, but before they are read) the votes will no longer be read, and instead the player using it will automatically be voted out. Thus the purpose of the Savage Idol is to trick another player into playing it. (There is only one Savage Idol to be found on Savage Island for the whole game.)

When someone is voted out, they bequeath all their fire tokens to any player of their choice.

The third episode will have two tribes going to tribal council, with the winning tribe  getting to send one from each tribe to Savage Island.

The fourth episode will have the tribes swap into 2 tribes of 7, with the three tribe camp sites all wiped out. There are two new stations at these tribe camps. One for new Tribe Rewards, the other hidden one for new Individual Game Advantages. Now, each player gets two fire tokens per challenge win, and still sends one player from the other tribe to Savage Island. At Savage Island, the choice will be between 20 Fire Tokens, and a clue to the Savage Idol.  Each tribe has 1/2 of an idol hidden at camp. Nothing else is hidden, or will be rehidden.

1/2 of an idol (1 total)  10 Fire Tokens

1 Vote steal: good till final 6 (1 total) 15 Fire Tokens

1 Anonymous Token Stealer (1 total) 10 Fire Tokens

1  Trip to Savage Island (1 total) 10 Fire Tokens

1 Fake 1/2 Idol (Unlimited): 5 Fire Tokens

Tribes merge on episode 6 with 12 people. Now players will be offered 5 Fire Tokens at the start of every challenge to sit out immunity challenges. The Merge Tribe will be on Savage Island. (The Savage Idol, if not found yet, is still around to be found.) 2 New Stations, one with Public Tribe Rewards, one with Private Game Advantages.

1 Immunity Stealer works until Final 6 (1 total): 25 Fire Tokens

1 Safety Without Power that can only be used on another player up until final 6. (1 total): 20 Fire Tokens

1 Challenge Curse: Disadvantage another player during an immunity challenge: (1 per challenge) 15 Fire Tokens.

1 Cursed Vote: A vote that will apply to a player for 3 rounds. (1 Total) 20 Fire Tokens.

1 Savage Idol: Rules not disclosed: (1 total) 50 Fire Tokens

On Episode 8, when there is a final 10, the tribe will be divided into 2 groups of 5 for 2 separate tribals.

On Episode 9, at final 8 there is an Auction, where Fire Tokens can be used to get extra money.

Finale will be with the f4, no fire challenge. F2 for Final. However, after f2 is decided the player with the most fire tokens remaining will be able to purchase the Remove a Juror Advantage.

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