Saturday, May 18, 2019

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada 7 Wrap Up

Tom's Take:

Congratulations to Dane!

Image result for big brother canada 7: dane wins

I did not really enjoy this season, and I didn't love this cast. But Big Brother is still Big Brother, so there's a lot to discuss and debate about everyone's games, so that's always fun. Let's get down to my player breakdowns and then my season and winner rankings.

1. Adam

Image result for big brother canada: adam

Gameplay: 1060
Showplay: 700
4th Place
Award: Surprise Fan Favorite
Grade: B+

I ended up mostly liking Adam. I really wish he had been more loyal to Sam, and willing to turn on the Pretty Boys, but ultimately I think the reason fans liked Adam was because of that loyalty. He came into BBCAN7 with a plan to replicate the Bragade, and while the result was miserable for me to watch, he was pretty successful, and I feel like he does get credit for that.

2. Dane

Image result for big brother canada: dane

Gameplay: 1350
Showplay: 640
Awards: Best Player of the Season
Grade: B

Dane was not necessarily my cup of tea, and I would have preferred it if Anthony took it home at the end, but I think it is really hard to dispute this win. Dane played a fantastic and well rounded game. He played socially, strategically, and competitively. I didn't really enjoy watching him, but hats off to him for a well deserved win.

3. Damien

Image result for big brother canada: damien

Gameplay: 390
Showplay: 140
6th Place
Awards: Prettiest Boy
Grade: C

Damien was a constant let down. He was casual fan fav bait, and that turned into...a lot of nothing. Damien seems like a nice guy, but he was wallpaper in the house.

4. Anthony

Image result for big brother canada anthony

Gameplay: 1260
2nd Place
Award: King of the North
Grade: A-

I'm not giving Anthony a full A, because I really didn't enjoy this season, but Anthony played the hell out of the game, and it was fun to watch. And it was cool to refer to people as Timons and Pumbas, and Lions. I was rooting for the King of the North to win, but I figured Dane would win because Dane did better at collecting Jury Votes.

5. Eddie

Image result for big brother canada eddie

Gameplay: 200
Showplay: 150
11th Place
Awards: Most Heartbreaking Eviction
Grade: B

Eddie had some really funny moments early on the show, and for the first few weeks it looked like Eddie would eventually turn into a real contender in this game. Unfortunately he never was able to actually become that real contender, and instead he became just another victim of the Pretty Boy Reign of Terror.

6. Chelsea

Image result for big brother canada chelsea

Gameplay: 240
12th Place
Awards: Most Wasted Potential
Grade: C

The frustrating thing about Chelsea, is that she was starting to put the pieces together to possibly play a really good game, but right as she was starting to become a possible thorn in the Pretty Boys' side, she was wiped out of the game.

7.  Este

Image result for big brother canada estefania

Gameplay: 270
Showplay: 190
7th Place
Awards: The Pawniest Pawn
Grade: D

Este continued the pattern of the BBCAN7 jury of the Pretty Boys all losing their side pieces in what was probably the most frustrating part of the season, and also the part where the rest of the fan base finally figured out that the Pretty Boys WERE in fact going to take this thing home. Este was pretty, but she contributed nothing to this season other than a collective groan from everyone hoping for women to flip things on the boys. 

8. Kiki

Image result for big brother canada kiki

Gameplay: 190
Showplay: 240
10th Place
Awards: Most Hollow Player
Grade: C-

It kept looking like maybe Kiki had something going on, but dig a little deeper into her talk and game analysis and it became clear there was nothing really there. She wasn't quite as embarrassing to watch as Este, but she was a pretty bad player, and her eviction at Sam's hands made it clear to me at least, that there was no real hope for this season to recover from the Pretty Boy Dominance.

9. Kyra

Image result for big brother canada kyra

Gameplay: 350
Showplay: 340
3rd Place
Awards: Most Infuriating HG
Grade: C-

I want to commend Kyra for going into the BBCAN7 house to represent non-binary people. I think they did a good job bringing attention a group of people I wasn't really aware of before seeing Kyra on television. But man was their game frustrating. They eventually fell into that Victoria/James role of being so useless, they get dragged to the f3 as a goat. They really didn't do it for me this season.

10. Mark

Image result for big brother canada 7: Mark

Gameplay: 430
Showplay: 220
5th Place
Awards: My Least Favorite Player
Grade: F

I hated Mark on the show. He was soooo bad at the social game. He only made it as far as he did, because he fluked into this incredibly dominant alliance that carried him through the game, and when he had a chance to mix things up, he fumbled the ball.

11.  Cory

Image result for big brother canada 7: Cory

Gameplay: 395
8th Place
Awards: Most Annoying
Grade: D


12. Sam

Image result for big brother canada: Sam

Gameplay: 445
Showplay: 410
9th Place
Awards: My Favorite Player
Grade: A-

I really enjoyed Sam. I think she had the potential to play a really good game, if Adam was more loyal to her than to his Pretty Boys.

13.  Kailyn

Image result for big brother canada: Kailyn

Gameplay: 60
Showplay: 80
13th Place
Awards: Most Psychic
Grade: C+

Kailyn was a fun early boot, but not much to say about her.

14. Maki

Image result for big brother canada: maki

Gameplay: 20
Showplay: 30
14th Place
Awards: Most Random
Grade: C-


15. Laura

Image result for big brother canada: laura

Gameplay: 0
Showplay: 20
15th Place
Awards: No idea
Grade: C-

No idea what she did.

Season Rankings

1. BB Allstars
3. BB8
4. BB14
8. BB4
9. BB10
10. BB2
11. BBCAN4
12. BB3
13. BBCAN3
14. BB18
15. BB20
16. BBCAN1
17. BBCeleb2
18. BBCeleb
19. BB15
20. BB11
21. BB5
22. BB6
23. BB17
24. BB13
25. BB12
26. BBCAN7
27. BB19
28. BB9
29. BB16
30. BB1

Winner's Rankings

1. Derrick BB16
2. Andy BB15
3. Dane BBCAN7
4. Jun BB4
5. Jon BBCAN2
6. Dan BB10
7. Will BB2
8. Hayden BB12
9. Maggie BB6
10. Jillian BBCAN1
11. Dick BB8
12. Paras BBCAN6
13. Boogie BB7
14. Ian BB14
15. Sarah BBCAN3
16. Tamar BBCeleb2
17.  Nick/Phil BBCAN4
18. Kevin BBCAN5
19. Morgan BBOTT
20. Lisa BB3
21. Adam BB9
22. Drew BB5
23. Steve BB17
24. Kaycee BB20
25. Marissa BBCeleb
26. Nicole BB18
27. Rachel BB13
28. Jordan BB11
29. Josh BB19 
30. Eddie BB1

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