Friday, September 28, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 20 Wrap Up

Tom's Take

BB20 is over, Kaycee has won, Tyler has lost. People are yelling either bitter jury, or mismanaged jury. My take is that Tyler screwed up his strategic game by letting Kaycee get to the end, when she was so liked by the jury. Scottie came back from jury and told Tyler that the jury didn't like Angela and Brett, but he continued onwards intending to go to f2 with Kaycee. I always argued against the people who said Paul lost for not taking James (even though that was right, I think taking Nicole was defensible, and Paul's weakness was incorrectly identified.) but this is a case where yes, the mistake was in who Tyler took to the end, not necessarily in how he managed the jury. 

Image result for big brother 20